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joined 2024 April 15 09:57:10 UTC


User ID: 2990



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 April 15 09:57:10 UTC


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User ID: 2990

The title "Western European marriage pattern" is muc more accruate to the actual concept. Walt describes eg Ireland as trans-Hajnal, but if you actually look at the line (in red), it's clear that Ireland is on the West of the line, and is only devided from "cis-Hajnals" by an different line. What is important about the concept is the region, not the boundary. So it makes sense to name the article for the characteristics of the region. As for the content, it doesn't seem too argumentative. It throws in a line shitting on WNs, which is to be expected. But for the rest of the argument it seems pretty neutral. Acknowledging that the theory is accepted by some scolars and rejected by others.