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joined 2022 September 05 04:10:33 UTC
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User ID: 433



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 04:10:33 UTC


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User ID: 433

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"there ain't nobody smart, I know, I checked"

yep, this is true. powerful people do keep "smart" people as pets but their smart people aren't that.

when i was growing up i had this fantasy that i'd pass all the tests and be whisked away a la ender wiggins, but the reality is that a super high G person is just a freak, like a six fingered man. Doing important things in the real world has to be done in a way that manages risk and politics, it's a team sport and just needs people who are smart enough and have all the other right characteristics.

I'm now a typical corposcum executive and no one accuses me of being smart but they sometimes notice that i get a lot of lucky breaks.