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User ID: 1327



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User ID: 1327

I have never met a woman who's open to hearing about real strategy. There are simply other concerns that take precedence - the pleasure of lashing out at someone and saying their dick's small, the enjoyment of having multiple male partners, the sublime freedom of movement that being unattached conveys, avoiding the inconvenience and discomfort of raising kids.

Would you say the same about your own wife?

YIMBYs aren't advocating for new homeless shelters, they're advocating for more residential development, generally - and, at the margin, those units will be filled by normal people who are able to pay slightly less than current residents are, not the homeless.

I think the definition of YIMBY/NIMBY has changed a bit. When I first heard it in my highschool class, my teacher was ranting about progressives who were like "Homeless shelters are so important! We need to do more for the poor!" but who would blanche and try to stop any such projects if they were being built nearby their own home. The initial emphasis was originally Not In My Backyard, it was about hypocrisy. But the counter-movement that's emerged, YIMBY's, is more Yes in My Backyard, they're more about just getting stuff built in general and tearing down red tape, they aren't actually organizing to build homeless shelters nearby themselves.

You can advise someone to minimize weirdness, you can't demand them of it


Israel had helped a lot there as one example. But ultimately I don't know and cannot know how useful Israel is, given how much secrecy is involved in military matters. But I have some amount of faith in the US military establishment being able to gauge how useful Israel is, and inform administrations of that.

McDonald’s also may be over-pricing an item and at the same time a new competitor can’t compete due to economy of scale

Okay, but how's that relevant to why McDonald's wouldn't set their price to $10, get the Wendy's to set the price to $10, and also get every other competitor in a large radius to set their price to $10?

Also, how does that square with how most of the McDonald's I've been to having the exact same prices, even if they're geographically in very different areas? I don't think I've ever once seen one lower its prices in response to a new restaurant opening up across the street.

If it is valuable then it will grow and profit for a period, and if the profits are too extravagant than the Government steps in

Even if the private company earns so much profit by simply making an amazing product everyone wants to buy and can't produce enough supply to meet demand even when they try, e.g Ozempic or Nvidia?

Edit: Reading your responses and your replies to other commenters, I strongly recommend you go through the Khan Academy economics courses or another standard economics class. I think you'd learn a lot.

How would private investment into companies work in your system?

They can’t charge an amount that is so noticeably higher that you remember it and buy a pack of water for 1/20th of the price at a store. But they can (and do) overcharge on water, understanding that they can get away with it because it’s an inconvenience for you to get it elsewhere.

Why wouldn't the store just raise their price to $5, colluding with McDonald's in a similar manner to how the Wendy's does?

Edit: P.S I think for the most part free markets are very effective and there are only a few areas where the government needs to intervene, such as carbon emissions. I am asking questions because I think you're very wrong, but I'm not yet entirely sure what the root causes of your mistaken beliefs are.

I haven't seen any actual significant numbers of lefties complaining about DignifAI, only people on the right crowing about how it owns the libs.

I agree with your take in spirit, although I think you're a little too negative on how much the West produces. We still produce plenty of real wealth. And it shouldn't be underestimated just how expensive logistics is, deciding where to move resources and then actually moving them can take a lot of people to do.

But that said, I think burdensome regulations and taxation that's overly focused on redistributing the pie instead of making the pie bigger limit us a lot. It should be far easier than it is to build dense housing when you have such high prices. We need to and should be increasing housing supply much more than we are currently able to.

If they had looser gun control laws, I’d expect just as often those looser guns end up in the hands of terrorists as in the hands of people using them for self-defense.

If people liked more original stuff, it would get bigger budgets. Capitalism works pretty well with entertainment. The only real flaw happens when people demand that the biggest productions that are advertised everywhere also fit their desired preferences specifically. If you don't like the mainstream stuff, there is endless smaller stuff to fit anyone's preferences if they spend some time looking.

Maybe it's not technically illegal, although I wouldn't be surprised if it was according to some sort of workplace law. But the reason why it's not an acceptable thing is that it makes the employees really uncomfortable. Having standards for acceptable, professional workplaces is good.

Between like 1930 (or whenever women started going to co-ed colleges in large numbers) and 2010 it was widely accepted that a lot of men went into academia or teaching because they wanted to fuck their female students (Jeffrey Epstein got his start doing just this), for example.

Was it really? I thought from like 1930-1960 pre-marital sex was still frowned upon, and that the feminist movement that would look down on women being taken advantage of sexually started ~1960.

All the men can rail a few prostitutes

Why can all the men rail a few prostitutes, but women are only allowed to ever rail a single man? Just because it's traditional or is there an actual reason why it's bad for women to have casual sex but not men?

I'd agree. I just don't think trying to make women have fewer sex partners in their youth is the right societal strategy. Trad men should be happy that people have their characters revealed. And for all the men who don't care, they don't lose anything partnering with those women.

A decent amount of men and a lot of women are like that. You might be demisexual.

That wouldn't solve fertility really, it'd just fix the demographic problem

I think most of the directional correlations would probably be generalizable. Like if you see from the survey, men in Aella's demographic are more likely to enjoy visual porn than the women in Aella's demographic, you can infer men in general are more likely to enjoy visual porn than women in general. Even if it tells you nothing about the actual specific rates men in general enjoy visual porn. Or are there any correlations listed that you think would be reversed if we redid this survey but asked everyone instead of just Aella's followers?

I think I still agree with Scott's opinion that while trying to make your map match the territory as much as possible is respectable, it can still provide not nearly as much utility as trying to make a map that's just useful. Having something like stuff that DSM categorizes as mental illness be "bad stuff that we want insurance to cover" is a pretty unnatural category, but might be a lot more useful for real life than some sort of biological definition about deviations from a mentally healthy human.

The Zombie Knight, a fun web serial that picked up again recently after a 2 year hiatus. About a guy who gets revived by a grim reaper and given super powers, and is thrust into the world of fight/politics between all the super powered factions. It's pretty obvious at times the author changed his mind or didn't properly plan out certain world building aspects, which is natural in a serial running 10 years, but it's still really funny and exciting.

I think people are being a bit unfair to you, but you're also saying a lot of dumb stuff yourself.

China definitely was a great economic power, despite that by the ~1500s Europe started to surpass them technologically and by the 1800s significantly surpassed them militarily. I agree with you there.

But Mao definitely had a lot of very stupid policies that led to a lot of deaths, e.g. the killing of the sparrows, or trying to have farmers make steel instead of grow crops. I think his most deadly mistakes were made of ignorance not malice, but they still weren't the West's fault.

That's a reasonable point, but then you just disagree with EA on their calculations, not their premises. That's something different than what OP was calling evil I think.

OP said "Why not helping your community, focusing on art, infrastructure and knowledge, instead of giving money to global moral enterprises?" I took that to mean he took issue with bed nets and not just sports teams.

What does gold pill mean? I've heard of red, blue, black, white, and pink pills, but not gold.

I really don't know what Objectivism is. I've just never really seen anyone defend or explain it in depth, and I've never seen anyone smart recommend it besides Rand herself.

I quite like fast food and if a quarter pounder with fries and a drink was $6 I would probably go to McDonald’s frequently when I didn’t feel like cooking, but it’s $12.29 (just checked)

They frequently have coupons built into the app you can use. Also, often the drink prices are very inflated- you can save a couple bucks easily by using a reusable water, even if you just fill it with soda you bought at the grocery store.
