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0 followers   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC

Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC


Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222

Are you getting phone game 🎮 recommendations from Samsung?

What if NASA functioned like the ADA? Every company with more than 50 employees could be made legally liable for failure to launch probes into space to explore the Solar System. The law could be enforced by lawsuits against companies that have "workplaces hostile to space exploration" because they skimp on how many probes they launch.

It looks like Russia is developing a giant pincer movement that will envelop Niu-York.

I buy raw milk and make it into kefir. The fermentation process reduces my exposure to pathogens a little bit, but really I just don't care whether I get exposed. My immune system is very healthy.