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joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC

Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC


Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222

According to the SSA Actuarial Life Table, a seventy-eight-year-old American male has a twenty-five percent chance of dying in the next four years. However, the fact that Donald Trump has no chronic health conditions means his actual chance of dying may be lower than that.

I would support a law that people who were convicted of marijuana offenses during prohibition have the exclusive privilege of owning legal marijuana businesses now.

Partially severing every muscle in the body should be an integral part of gender-affirming care.

Holding out women's prison as an incentive for male prisoners to request castration is a good deal for everyone except the women. It would be ideal if prisoners worked jobs while in prison to pay for their own castration. But it makes sense for the government to cover the cost, since society benefits from the reduced secretion of testosterone.

Nintendo Miis have good customizability without being infinitely granular. Inserting Miis into emojis might be an attainable goal.

Emoji + Mii = Emiiji ?

What would Jorge Luis Borges recommend in this situation?

"HAITIANS in SPRINGFIELD were caught eating CATS"

is a factually incorrect statement, but there are multiple factually correct permutations which can made by swapping out the nouns. A nimble orator can insinuate that Haitians in Springfield eat cats—without saying it directly—by stringing together all the factually correct permutations. Donald Trump is a talented orator, and I think he could have figured out the right way to present the argument given enough time. I think he faceplanted because he only learned about the story literally the day of the debate and didn't have time to process it.

My attention while watching the debate was focused on how Trump would talk about Springfield, Ohio. He mixed up his words and messed up badly. It was his worst gaffe of the debate. It was a mistake to mention Springfield at all, though it could have been done better. I was focused on Springfield because it went viral on X only a couple days ago. Trump didn't learn about the viral story out of Springfield until less than a day before the debate. This was not enough time, obviously, for him to process the information and formulate a plan to exploit it. I was curious to see if Kamala knew about the Springfield "cat hoax", but she never had to respond because the moderator gave a thorough rebuttal to Donald Trump in her stead.

I will cast a blank ballot. (not in a swing state)

The Capitol protest and the Gaza War are the deciding factors. My previous record is Obama, Trump, Trump.

Siphoning off children's income is too slow. Parents should be able to be able to take out massive loans using their young children as collateral. The debt gets passed on to the children if it isn't paid off. Would you rather be born into debt, or not be born at all?

National awards have an Old World feel to them that doesn't jive with American culture. It is more in line with American culture for such awards to be handed out by associations organized at the local level.

I always want both parties to put forward their best candidate.

Cubicles-on-wheels will be such a game-changer.

Extruding housing supply through a regulatory sphincter with a subsidy plunger.

The Founding Fathers used hand-cranked printing presses and never anticipated there would someday be fully automatic assault presses.

I want to die by having my brain implanted with hundreds of deep brain stimulating electrodes that can be used to do a bunch of crazy, dangerous experiments.

"Thumb on the scale" is the common expression.

Annexing Belgium and keeping it would have been enough to make France the European hegemon permanently.

The online Right has hypersensitive Jewdar, but I don't think the online Left is as attuned to whether random politicians are Jewish. He's not an Israeli. I'm trying to look up whether he has ever set foot in Israel. The answer appears to be not yet.

During the debate, Donald Trump can sound the alarm that the country is in danger because the commander-in-chief is incapacitated, and then demand that Kamala Harris must either agree with him or give evidence to refute his claim.

If crime is ultimately a mental disorder, can it be treated by medicating criminals with antipsychotics?

Just boil water in the microwave.

Subsets of the population which incline towards the Democratic Party have low voter turnout. The average nonvoter would favor the Democratic Party if voting was mandatory.

Gee, how could anybody dislike that particular short story? People are so sensitive these days!

It's a short story which parodies the Xianxia genre. It was purposefully left unfinished.