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joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC

Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:38:23 UTC


Nonexistent good post history.


User ID: 222

It looks like Russia is developing a giant pincer movement that will envelop Niu-York.

I buy raw milk and make it into kefir. The fermentation process reduces my exposure to pathogens a little bit, but really I just don't care whether I get exposed. My immune system is very healthy.

Are you getting phone game 🎮 recommendations from Samsung?

It shouldn’t just be first-world, it should be rich.

And North Korea should be South Korea.

Tollbooth kingdoms already exist. Small towns control sections of highways where the speed limit decreases suddenly to waylay unwary travelers.

What if I engage in a form of magical thinking where every choice I make steers the universe into a timeline where people like me are more likely to make the same choice?

Craziness that causes real life harm is attractive because it shows strength. Conservative craziness is cringe because it's impotent and doesn't harm anybody.

The History of English Podcast is a very excellent podcast about the development of the English language from Old English to the present day. The episode most relevant to your question is this one:


Full Transcript: https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HOE-Transcript-Episode147.pdf

I tried rephrasing my question for ChatGPT, and it gave me a pretty close answer:

"What is the name of the logical fallacy where you believe other people think the same way you do?"

ChatGPT: "The logical fallacy you're referring to is called the 'false consensus effect.' This occurs when someone believes that their opinions, beliefs, or preferences are more common or widely shared than they actually are. It involves an overestimation of the extent to which others agree with one's own views."

What is the name of the fallacy where one claims religious authorities don't believe in their own doctrines and are motivated by desire for power?

I made a post on here about a year ago proposing a sort of elaborate version of how state legislatures could appoint national representatives.


By the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love had given to me

12 drummers drumming,

22 pipers piping,

30 lords a-leaping,

36 ladies dancing,

40 maids a-milking,

42 swans a-swimming,

42 geese a-laying,

40 golden rings,

36 calling birds,

30 French hens,

22 turtle doves,

and 12 partridges in 12 pear trees!

The 1956 Battle of Algiers is another promising example of a successful counterinsurgency. The situation in Israel and Palestine today is eerily similar.

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps is probably the best podcast about philosophy. Episodes are twenty minutes long, but with a little effort you should be able to create a playlist.

I've noticed that people very seldom use the plural possessive apostrophe after s.

Israel needs to find a way to make Palestinians wealthier so they lose interest in fighting. The only bomb that can pacify a restive population is a money bomb.

I do not like Whatifalthist. I listened to a few of his early videos and became convinced he knows less about the world than I do.

Iran has used a proxy to prove they can fire missiles at Israel from Iranian soil.

"Never ask me that again unless I'm bleeding to death."

The best argument against freedom of association may be the hypothetical scenario of a doctor withholding lifesaving medical treatment from a black person while openly claiming racial animus as the motivation for their inaction. I can imagine a society where most people have freedom of association except for certain professions which are forbidden from refusing service on the basis of race on pain of having their professional license revoked.

If you really have an idea nobody else has thought of, you should hop to it before somebody else beats you to the punch! Good luck!!!

I think the US government should legalize freedom of association, allow the formation of ethnic neighborhoods, and devolve more power to the neighborhood level. I don't think what I support should count as white nationalism, per se, because it doesn't explicitly favor white people, and it falls short of creating sovereign ethnostates. I think the USA is like the Ottoman Empire, and I support preserving the empire and creating a millet system rather than breaking the empire apart into nation-states as happened historically to the Ottoman Empire.

100,000,000 Africans will immigrate to the United States. I'm calling it now.

I skipped your introduction and read the poem first. I didn't check to see whether it was supposed to be an example of good or bad poetry until after I had finished it. It's a perfectly good poem—not outstanding—and it fits comfortably within the category of poetry. Removing the line breaks turns the poem into prose, but the resulting prose is hard to read because it is very information dense. The line breaks are not just there to be cute. They guide the reader to add pauses while reading to themselves or out loud. I imagine the pauses represent thoughts that lead into each other, as though the author is pausing to think of the next thing they are going to say to finish their sentence. Each line break is the transition to a new thought, and stringing them all together without line breaks makes the resulting prose hard to read. Normal prose has only one or two thoughts per sentence, while this poem has five thoughts per sentence.

Every Israeli needs a wearable Iron Dome to protect them from blade and projectile attacks. Border security won't be enough because the Palestinians can fly over the border in ornithopters or tunnel through the sand. Mass surveillance is a technological solution that ultimately relies on human beings to interpret the data. Having the prescience to predict attacks before they happen is a rare gift, and the Israelis don't seem to have anyone with that gift.