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joined 2023 April 22 13:56:42 UTC


User ID: 2352



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 April 22 13:56:42 UTC


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User ID: 2352

Imagine walking down the street, and knowing that not in a single house there is a door open to you, except for the one you pay for. That not a single person you see will recognise you or say a thing to you. Imagine not having the social skills to engage, and any attempts you make being below the social skill threshold where the other person engages back.

It's not simply a +20%. It's a +1, and then +20%. The 1 is the lowest value level where people tolerate your presence. As a man, if your value is low enough, people will simply not tolerate your presence. Not many people experience this, including men, because their value is normally higher than 1. However, if your value is lower than '1,' people will be like 'get this guy out of here.' Simply dressing well and looking good is not enough - there is also a social skills component and other components to this.

Be default, as a man your value is 0.

If you were a low enough value man, you would probably have different experiences.

Nothing I can write will change your mind, because our perspectives are so different.

All I can do is point out that all the connections you have are there because you worked for them. Make no mistake - the same is true for me. But the different between us is that in my life as a man I had a period where I had low 'value' and no existing connections (estranged from family, specific personal circumstances with no friends in a foreign country). And that's when it hits you - by default, your value is 0.

From that point, it took many years to build connections to the point where people care about me.

Edit: If you have been high value all your life and had strong connections, this perspective will be hard if not impossible to understand. But the value we're talking about is the 'default' value - in the hypothetical where you are somehow shorn of all existing social connections and most skills (i.e. let's say, for example, your social skills taking a -80% hit).