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joined 2023 February 01 03:08:47 UTC


User ID: 2142



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User ID: 2142

It’s interesting to compare Bill to another Nick Offerman character, Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. Ron similarly codes conservative and is a much beloved character, but he’s unambiguously straight. I’ve seen posts describing both characters as models of healthy masculinity from, I assume, liberal redditors.

But they do feel shame! If you read the tweets about the atrioc incident you can clearly see women are very upset, so if not shame specifically there is certainly a feeling of violation. To be honest, reading those tweets they strike me as post-hoc justifications, I think most women cannot clearly express why it disturbs them so much but it certainly appears to. My explanation is it comes down to losing control of the exclusivity of their sexuality, a primal reaction that they didn’t reason themselves into. This would also explain, I suspect, a disparity between men and women’s opinions on this issue. I think most posters on the motte think deep fakes are not a big deal because they are mostly men. Women and men both tend to care a great deal about the exclusivity of women’s sexuality, and women and men both tend not to care much about the exclusivity of a man’s sexuality. Even if they can’t articulate why women feel this loss in a visceral way.

Im not gay but I also have a question for gay posters here. Something I thought was jarring was that Bill loses his gay virginity to Frank within maybe three hours of pulling him out of a homemade booby trap at gunpoint. Nobody else seems to think this is weird. One thing I’ve considered is that maybe this is considered normal because they’re gay. I’m trying to imagine the scenario playing out with a straight hetero couple and it still feels weird to me. Or maybe it’s not weird under any gender combination and I’m just now realizing I’m a prude?