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Small-Scale Question Sunday for January 29, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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Im not gay but I also have a question for gay posters here. Something I thought was jarring was that Bill loses his gay virginity to Frank within maybe three hours of pulling him out of a homemade booby trap at gunpoint. Nobody else seems to think this is weird. One thing I’ve considered is that maybe this is considered normal because they’re gay. I’m trying to imagine the scenario playing out with a straight hetero couple and it still feels weird to me. Or maybe it’s not weird under any gender combination and I’m just now realizing I’m a prude?

It seems like ‘man rescues girl/woman, they have sex not long thereafter’ is a… not uncommon plot device.

I’m trying to imagine the scenario playing out with a straight hetero couple and it still feels weird to me.

How long does it take for Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese?

I’m trying to imagine the scenario playing out with a straight hetero couple and it still feels weird to me.

Ever seen Fury? There's an example adjacent to this about a third of the way through.

The end of the world (and warzones kind of qualify, if reporters and poets after the fact are to be believed) kind of encourages some short-term thinking. You'd probably have to handwave it away with "also there's a sterility plague" though.