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User ID: 285



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User ID: 285

they get hammered 10-1

In basketball? That's an improbably bordering on impossibly low score, even if everyone's just learning. Getting shut out except for one free throw (the only way you could get exactly one point) is particularly weird.

Not as useless as repeating the exact point she and I have already addressed multiple times, completely ignoring everything either of us said about it.

I momentarily read that as "Transmetropolitan" and was very confused.

It sounds like you're talking about "social justice" progressives, i.e. the group RedRegard is contrasting with "true leftists" (sarcasm quotes his).

I seriously doubt there are very many people who want all that death and destruction for its own sake, at least excluding Ukrainians directly affected by the war. I'd like to think that's something people want instrumentally if they want it at all, certainly not as a terminal goal, and that most would prefer to minimize it all else being equal.

Well, there are according to your own immediately previous post, about 28% more WM/AW than BM/WW with no particular reason to think the flipped-gender versions would balance that out. This seems to roughly match my own observations for the tiny, potentially biased bit that's worth. The numbers and the way they were arrived at have a lot of room for rounding errors but not enough to cancel out or reverse the conclusion they'd lead you to.

I was envisioning a scenario where one person has it and the other says they stole it. But even in a scenario where there isn't a clear current possessor like this, in any such situation I've been even tangentially involved in, laying blame is a distant third on the priority list, behind getting it to the rightful owner and keeping the overall peace.

Frankly you're also overestimating the intelligence and planning of most people who do stuff like stealing backpacks. In my area, frankly, you're more likely to get drug-addled confusion about what's wrong with walking off with someone's backpack and why the fact that they don't own it is even relevant.

The stolen item is just ... an item. Anyone can produce a backpack and say that guy stole it and my friend here saw them.

A backpack seems like an almost uniquely bad example. You just separate the parties and ask each a few questions about its contents and it's easy to figure out which one it belongs to.

Okay, that at least makes it understandable. I'd still say that information is more background context than it is a feature of that conversation in particular, especially in a normal, healthy social dynamic. I mean, look at Walter's text message example. The power dynamics, if that really is the most salient thing, are just as present in a text with no body language or tone involved.

Additionally, even in person I'd say far more of the information about power relations and such is conveyed by the words as by the nonverbal parts. There's understanding of subtext involved (that even neurotypicals with long experience dealing with this shit get wrong with some frequency!), but that's got less to do with body and tone than it does with reading another level into the words. (Not nothing, mind you, but less.)

More to the point neither one directly states support for YEC claims other than the narrow point about human evolution, so reading either one as "X% support for YEC" is running ahead of the evidence. (Even if we assume these polls directly measure people's literal beliefs, which per jeroboam, they probably don't.) Elsewhere in the thread, results from polls that did directly ask about the age of the Earth have been mentioned that got much lower numbers (30% at most, less if you change the wording of the question a little).

I mean, there's tricky questions (both practical and philosophical) about what probability statements even mean when we're talking about singular events. But that doesn't change the fact that (a) they do sometimes help us make useful predictions, at least in the aggregate, and (b) there's a tolerably clear sense in which Silver was less wrong than someone who had Trump at 1%.

What does Google have to do with it? How would having multiple viable search engines encourage adding links to sources that, for one thing, don't go through any of them?

I think he's just raising it as a hypothetical. I agree it's not realistic in the slightest, though for a different albeit related reason - I just think it would be wildly out of character for Trump.

Known bug, I think. Larian says patch 2 is on its way fairly soon and will focus more on bug fixes of this general sort.

Well, what I want to know can be rephrased as "what's so special about nudity"? I mean, surely they see themselves without clothes all the time, and lots of other cultures, and not weird fargroup ones but familiar European ones, don't have these hangups according to other posters. It sounds like you're presupposing an answer to that, and indeed an answer you can't even seem to imagine anyone disagreeing with.

I don't really have an answer, beyond that "kids are property" is a nonstarter.

Ah, pity. I asked because I liked it and wanted to see it in the original context.

Where is the quote from? It's not in the post you're replying to, nor either of the links it contains, nor the OP.

Yeah, way too many acronyms in that post. What's "SRS"? I think, with the help of your post, I get all the others.

I take it that's what he was getting at with the last paragraph, the one starting "Frankly, the argument isn't that hard to refute".

Sounds very /r/restofthefuckingowl .

Yes. You made a good-faith effort to make sure you were on the right side of the law. That's more than most people do most of the time.

EDIT: If you check the link in the other post I'm about to put up as I type this, there's four types of mens rea listed there and the person in this example doesn't even meet the lowest one, negligence, described as "fails to meet a reasonable standard of behavior for her circumstances". Going out of your way to make sure what you're about to do is not a crime certainly meets any such standard.

What is "the DR3 narrative"? All I find on a quick Google is references to an anime I'm not familiar with.

EDIT: I think I've figured it out... "Democrats 'R' the Real Racists"?


"Not less than" is doing a lot of work, or at least more than you appear to be giving it credit for. But yes, it is quite a spread.

I also find the phrase "suffer death" amusing, especially in light of @self_made_human 's transhumanist rants on that topic.

Things took a big dip around the start of the Ukraine war, but to judge by my own (small and Canadian-biased) collection of ETFs, have more than bounced back since. It's possible DF sold low and is now faced with the prospect of buying high.