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2 followers   follows 2 users  
joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

I wanted to get the opinions of people here on meditation, hopefully of those who meditate. tl;dr have an extremely fucked up brain, tried psychiatric drugs, and saw the best results from simple meditation. Just wanted to get thoughts from those who have tried it.

I have had a fucked up life, mostly due to my own faults, I have had high levels of stress since I was maybe 15 and at 23, I now have ulcers inside my body due to acid reflux. My ADHD is the worst I or anyone I know has ever seen and I can never be happy. Everything is always bad and wrong. My issues with trauma with work, girls and my own family are quite well documented here and on the subreddit and I have always been the saddest person I know. I tried meditation on and off on a friend's advice and came across Christopher Hareesh Wallis, being a Hindu in North India, I never really thought much of meditation but doing his guided meditations was a life changer.

I have tried recreational drugs, sex, psychiatric drugs, physical culture, sports, and hard sparring in my MMA gym but nothing, nothing comes close to the amount of inner peace I feel when I meditate, apart from doing a good day's work in my startup. I do feel quite anxious at times, on times when I text my oneitis or when my parents talk about my startup, cursing me to get a low paying job instead of trying my hand at getting into an incubator in silicon valley. Yet, whenever that happens, I somehow want to meditate more than before and clear my head out.

My experiences with meditation are brief and though I am not someone who I like, I cannot recommend it enough to everyone, what people say about it is in fact true in a literal sense if you do it long enough. My aim for now is to meditate a little daily and one day achieve awakening. Please let me know what you guys feel.