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joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

Would a weekly thread that is about women be worthwhile @CSpitz?

i can call other Indians those slurs since I am native to the subcontinent. Indians commit terrible visa frauds, telugus especially. Mentioing this may get me flamed by other Indians but fuck it. I dislike any kind of mass migration, it is parasitic in nature and the people who do it later help others in doing the same. I know plenty sindhis in the UAE who go there with just a high school diploma and end up magically getting a college degree.

It did well for me tinitially but petered off quite bad afterwards, I felt a much higher sense of sustained relief because of a regular meditation practise than with meds. I do acknowledge that i miscommunicated this stuff so sorry lol. I wanted to encourage others to try out meds since they help, they helped me but in the long run, I found meditation to be the ideal thing.

I was a romantic too but I realised that there are plenty of fun things I can learn from ladies and for that I will have to keep romance on the side. At least that is the mentality I have since I know that I will get married in the future.

PUA is awesome, especially for people like me who were low on confidence and all, changed my life. I do not have a large lay count rn but I shall soon.

lol coke is amazing though I am afraid that doing it a bit too many times will make me addicted. I love intoxicants, this is why I stay away from them unless I have friends or a pretty girl around. I do wish to try something psychedelic soon.

I am not on adhd meds, they did not do much, and meditation somehow seems to work better with me.

Also that girl is fucking weird. I would have hooked up with her had I met her irl but cut contact as soon as I realised that she would see other dudes. This was in 2021 march, way before I learnt about PUA and started doing the same.

Rozenstruik is not a good kickboxer and MMA is very different striking-wise due to small gloves. MMA has tons of wannabe kickboxer types like MVP, Shara the one-eyed dagestani, blood diamond etc who never were good enough to win belts in major organisations at weight classes that mattered.

Stipe lost the second time around due to a stupid team on his part which made him weigh in at 234 instead of 250, thwarting his wrestling game. Ngannou does have a great chin on him. His coach is also really smart, eric coached Sean Strickland to a championship in an even more difficult division last month.

Remember, this is heavyweight where the worst of the worst fight. Ngannou would lose to most people if he straight-up boxed. Mousasi beat Kyotaro once, does that make Mousasi a better kickboxer than Kyotaro? no, styles make fights. Ngannou did well, Tyson did poorly and it is all heavyweight. This is not me saying it, the single greatest MMA fighter in my opinion, is GSP who regurgitated this on JRE once and how belts and legacies are constructs that exist just for selling PPVs and getting gullible people to invest in the sport.

Someone like Yoel Romero or Brock Lesnar were much better physical specimens than him and they would be much bigger what ifs. One off matches at heavyweights do not and will never mean much.

I just want to be rich and help my family, that basically sums it up, I do meditate and it helps but I cannot stop a constant humming in the back of my head of seeing others doing more than me and having better life outcomes. I have friends and tell them about my life but they are all online.

I assume I will get to relax more once I get past the steep points of the learning curve and build more momentum. What helped you? I take Sundays off.

Thanks, I am better now, I actually work and have some proof of that. For the past decade, I did not really work at all, Now that I do work, feels a lot better, I weigh more and can understand a good amount of code, It is not much but it is a good beginning

I do meditate and doing more of that plus keeping track of my work helps, I can sense a feeling of progress and that calms me down. Meditation is a godsend and I would appreciate tips on managing stress and becoming a better programmer and things of that sort. Stress management and proper rest should help me live a better life and work better, work more.

Thanks, man. I will hopefully start, I use Bing and the free version of chatgpt so will read the paper again and start anew.

I have only had situations where I was constantly and stressed for close to a decade now, I stopped Ssris a while back actually.

How much should I work out then. I am aiming for an upper lower split, working out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Is this too much? I like HIT because it's better for my joints and takes little to no time. I workout at home using basic equipments and a forearm forklift for timed static contractions.

they cannot after a point, taken is a good example of that. The amount of jump cuts and stuff just looks fake after a while.

What sorta progression should I roughly aim for? I stay in my house the entire day and do not have a boss since I run my own startup, the only time I leave is for my thrice weekly gym sessions. Also, should one start a stopwatch before a sit and time it every time and keep a record of it? My practice is extremely sporadic but whenever I do sit, I feel much better. I wish to someday achieve stream entry, it is not my goal though, it will be cool if i can reach to that point but for now, I simply wish to meditate daily and for longer periods of time. I just don't have any materials to use though. Since hareesh wallis paywalled all his free courses.

I was asking about walking meditation because my dog is overweight, she is 135 lbs and needs to walk daily to lose weight. I do not want to consume podcasts, ebooks or any other form of infotainment at that time, hence my question about walking meditation. I am really happy to see others on this site being experienced practitioners.

Great username. I'm at 15 minutes right now. I wanted to ask whether adding some walking meditation would help. I find meditation to be extremely potent, doing a sit right after posting this comment. I do one daily, 15 minutes.

ok so is it safe to do chin ups daily? would you recommend I switch my grip or not?

I would not do it since a 2-seater should ideally be an all-wheel or rear-wheel drive. There is no point in looking like a cheap 2 seater vehicle anyway. I drive a fwd hatchback and like it but making it something it is not makes it neither a good 2-seater nor a good hatchback. The point of a hatchback is a cheap, reliable, 4 seater that is fuel efficient.

I'm pretty sure you linked to an Indian subreddit where people were arguing over a hot take you posted on Twitter right? I also recall you said the picture there was you, unless you're joking.

yes that was me but I do not think that I am attractive enough. Even if I were, I do not see it so go through life not caring much about it in my day to day interactions. I still feel that I need to be jacked like @FiveHourMarathon to get to a point where I can feel good about myself. I did join a gym for real this time instead of sticking to gimmicks like isometrics so hope I get jacked soon.

If you're happy hitting up chicks in nightclubs, by all means, do what works for you. It's more of a fun/aspirational thing for me to do, since I'm single, but not a burning necessity in any way.

Completely fair, what works for you should be used. I am a totally inexperienced guy so my suggestions are things that I have been recommended for me more than things I have tried out for years.

Offline is always better and easier. Read the mystery method and make a befriend half the chicks you hit on so that you can access all the clubs for free, never drink there and for learning game stick to the book of yarelly, RSD material (I recommend pimp by RSD Julien and the Social Circle Blueprint (get both part 1 and 2), both are available on pimpmymind.net). Also pirate the book sex god method. Learning meditation, learning to fight, fixing my hair via hair loss meds, hitting the gym etc all made big impacts on my life so would recommend them as well.

For game, you will suck, you will feel worse but always assume that you will get better and you will one day. I had a girl stomp my heart out because I was a pussy and it will never happen again. I believe in you my man, dm me if you need help. I am a novice too but I can sure help you a bit. Online is suicide fuel at best.

I was never autistic, just severe adhd and doing lines off of a total fair-hipped(sanskrit word lol) hottie you just met when your life is in order has to be peak life. Also, how do you know what and how I look like? I am not attractive at all. I need to gain 20lbs of muscle and lose similar amounts in fat to look anywhere near halfway decent.

Intoxicants are only good sporadically, I meet girls sober everytime, drinking is reserved for family and friends, less than two times a quarter.

Avoid any and all apps, meet women in good nightclubs. Infinitely better people and odds.

Thanks man. It was great, we here live with our grandparents on the father's side. He was quite pleased.

You cannot detox from dopamine, but nitpciking aside, it is always good to be less stimulated and extremely thoughtful, I wish I could do it successfully so I do wish you luck. Reducing screen time besides work is always great.

As for "news", I have read enough political material to know what is what in the world thanks to being on this forum so I do not need to read the news, you can always check stuff out occasionally but there is no benefit in knowing everything if you cannot do much with it, as internet surfing does make you worse at whatever you do. Quitting and then being really really mindful should be ideal.

I have a soft spot for the director, perhaps his aim is to create a visual feast first movie that has time constraints. I am aware of the dune mythos and I liked the movie given the movies that have come out recently. It was unique and though nothing can ever compete with the books, it is a good interpretation regardless and is a great movie if seen in isolation from the books which I think is alright given that movies inherently cannot prtray the same level of depth written things can.

I know the director is a "Show, don't tell" guy, but even Lynch filled his movies with scenes of characters consuming mass quantities of spice to fuel their otherworldly abilities. Mentats, Guild Navigators, Bene Gesserit. We got none of that in the new movies

Yeah, I found it disappointing too.

So yeah, it was a feast for the eyes. Javier Bardem was amazing. Otherwise nearly all the themes and complexity of the books were lost or muddled with current year nonsense.

What current year nonsense? please do elaborate, I did not see an overly political agenda being pushed by it.

I know, I think I am depressed, I do not know what happiness feels like, I always feel like I have not worked enough.

I would rather use condoms, avoid girls with a high likelihood of them and get vaccines. I do not want to get one ever. Feels scary.

It does not solve the root cause, same for drugs.

Stipe was also 50-60 lbs lighter given how much weight ngannou cuts, that is like 3 weight classes