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User ID: 2193



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User ID: 2193

Not just that, US is occupying parts of Syria and that military instalation is on Syrian border. Military famously lied to Trump about troops being in Syria so he wouldn't order a withdrawal.

Can you imagine a US Constitutional amendment that, if proposed, would actually get passed these days?

Eternal commitment to Israel. Establishment of both parties would be for it.

They need a large army to repress the domestic population in case shit hits the fan. "Political power grows out of a barrel of a gun" at the end of the day.

radical feminist thinking is predicated on there being fundamental, inalterable biological differences between sexes

That is common sense thinking that was the norm for thousands of years until yesterday.

JK Rowling is a middle aged rich woman who votes for labor and agitates for women's rights in Iran (far, far away and completely UK regime approved) on twitter. She's extreme only in that she's extremely milquetoast.

People totally can get castrated for gender affirming care purposes in UK. Would-be-eunuchs just must have not assembled a pressure group to get fully included in that scheme.

We can't need a welfare state to prevent violent crime if it actually causes violent crime.

What is so radical about those broads then?

Psy-oped. There's nothing radical about being TE.

Welfare state doesn't work that way in real life. "Idle hands are devils plaything", also it promotes single motherhood causing increased crime of the kids raised without fathers.

TERF as a generic term for a woman not on board with trans agenda must be a brilliant psy-op. "Oh, some lady doesn't think that Chris Chan is as much of a woman as her? She must be the reincarnation of Valerie Solanas from Society for Cutting Up Men!".

Castration would have been legal if the gentlemen doing was a medical doctor and did it in an operating room with proper paperwork, right? He should have been charged with practicing medicine without a license.

Beyond eunuch communities themselves, one of the major sources of information about the subculture comes from TERFs, who are uniquely hostile towards eunuchs among gay men, because they (typically lesbian women) see them as - alongside transwomen - the vanguard of inserting fetishes into the 'LGB' movement they once held dear.

Hilarious, boy do I have bad news for them.

You also can’t let the other side bully your candidate selection process

That's exactly what the republicans are doing, Trump shot up in the polls versus DeSantis with every indictment. Dems basically said "don't throw me in the briar patch" and it's working out like in that tale so far.

Got Abraham Accords signed

Who cares, really? More American money spent on middle eastern bullshit.

Economy flourished until Covid

Low interest rates and high deficits causing an artificial boom.

Got the Vaccine to approval at 'light speed'

That was bad, actually.

Tried to keep lockdowns to a minimum

That's not true, he initially pushed lockdowns and tried to bully the governor of Georgia into not reopening.

Confusion is there because some folks cannot accept that Trump obviously threw his supporters under the bus and have to come up with cope theories why that wasn't what happened.

That's illogical. Just nominate someone who's likely to win and pardon Trump.

He defected during the campaign already, when he said New York handled Covid better than Florida.

"Nice People" also had Jim Jones and the People's temple, so what? Does that justify republicans making their version of that too?

Those people wouldn't say they would vote for Haley to a polster either, so that's already included in the equation.

Trump needs everyone's money just to pay his legal bills.

Haley seems bought and paid for, but I don't think DeSantis necessarily is.

Left lost a lot of credibility in the Trump saga, but so did the Right: birtherism, Q, "Trust the plan", J6, forming a personality cult around him, Laura Loomer being one of his top spokespeople etc.

No, I just think that this talk about DeSantis' donors is a cope from Trump supporters and they never applied that standard to Trump.

Desantis and Haley have donors which the Trump base find intolerable

Last time around top Trump's donor was Adelson, who really wanted a war with Iran. Trump and Kushner do a ton of buisness with Saudis. You don't apply the same standards to Trump, otherwise you wouldn't support him.

This is also why Desantis and Nikki Haley were immediately rejected by the base - they're just more representatives of Conservative Inc who want to return things to business as usual, and business as usual has gotten utterly intolerable for a lot of the people supporting Trump.

DeSantis attacked Trump from the right, Trump attacked DeSantis from the left. Trump endorsed the supposed Con. Inc. - Ronna McDaniel, speaker McCarthy, etc.