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Kai su, teknon?

10 followers   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 05 05:31:00 UTC

I'm a transhumanist doctor. In a better world, I wouldn't need to add that as a qualifier to plain old "doctor". It would be taken as granted for someone in the profession of saving lives.

At any rate, I intend to live forever or die trying. See you at Heat Death!


User ID: 454


Kai su, teknon?

10 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 05:31:00 UTC


I'm a transhumanist doctor. In a better world, I wouldn't need to add that as a qualifier to plain old "doctor". It would be taken as granted for someone in the profession of saving lives.

At any rate, I intend to live forever or die trying. See you at Heat Death!


User ID: 454

I have no idea. It's in the middle of a very bad shift that extends for another 12 hours, so I can only apologize for my lack of enthusiasm in chasing down links for what's largely an academic concern.

You ideally give them during puberty, and as long as you don't go overboard and end up in gigantism territory, it's not much of a concern.

I don't recall anything else particularly pressing, but you don't need all that much of it to have noticeable effects. You can look into the therapy Messi received if you want a simple example investigated with Thorough Journalistic Depth.

While I'm not an endocrinologist or paediatrician, I know that it's often offered as a treatment for dwarfism due to HGH deficiency. Haven't heard of any serious issues when dosed correctly, and it's an ongoing therapy so plenty of time to reduce doses or stop if something isn't right.

Just don't take it when your bones have fully ossified and fused, I'd say 18 is concerning, 21 dangerous. Unless you really crave the neanderthal look, I heard it's in vogue these days.

My brother is a mere half inch shorter than me, a source of merciless mockery from my end. Well, it's good natured, it's not like he's suffering, being actually hot, to the extent that he has most of the girls in his med school after him, and all the gay guys, including a professor.

Very luckily for him, he's borderline asexual so doesn't give a shit about women. I wish I was so lucky, so I cherish every advantage I get. If there was a pill that shut off my libido without other side effects, I'd take it regularly and PRN.

Once can be a coincidence, twice is enemy friendly action. If you count my very large extended family, I'm not the tallest, but that's more evidence the genes are percolating in their somewhere. Nutrition certainly made everyone taller over the ages, but it is not remotely enough to account for 6 extra inches alone, not when the genes aren't helping. After all, I did once have a CT brain and they didn't find a pituitary adenoma, though that would have made me both tall and milkable.

Besides, even if it's a fluke, the solution remains the same. Yay, more HGH, what can it not do?

I don't know enough about the American legal system, until it's my headache, but how much does seniority matter in the SC?

Are the new "young" judges put on the back bench (metaphorically)? My understanding is that they're all nominally equal, so what does it take for one to establish themselves like Thomas did and get taken seriously. How much does their opinion matter, and how is that sausage made?

But I've never claimed it was categorical either!

It is certainly a distinct advantage, one I prize dearly from personal experience, but people can make do without it.

You're average height for a guy, or roughly so, which means the majority of women are shorter than you. Consider the pain of men who are even worse off. They have a smaller pool of women, and said women a larger pool of men who have a height advantage.

A cursory Google search tells me it's 5'9 for white men in the UK and 5'10 in the US.

I know height correlates with income/wealth, but I couldn't find anything about UMC white men specifically. Well, not with the amount of effort I'll give at the middle of a tiring shift.

All I can tell you is that while I'm not as a relatively tall as in India, my time in my UK suggests that it's hardly middle of the pack either.

Even taking at face value your claim that UMC white men are 6' on average, then I'll just be average, which is presumably neutral. And my height isn't doing all the heavy lifting.

My parents had an arranged marriage lol. My mom was too much of a nerd to even date before that, and that too she had to rush it because of her younger sister.

Given that my dad was an up and coming surgeon who had already made a name for himself, and she was considered tall for women while he was average for men, I doubt it was a big deal. But I have heard her grumble about it, sotto voce, or else how would I know about the heels thing? Oh, and he did have a really nice head of hair at the time. Shame it didn't last.

You can't control these things unless you are going to go for polygenic embryonic selection, so why stress about "she's suitable in every way except height"?

I don't think I'm likely to go for polygenic embro selection (yay, someone remembered what I was yapping about), given that IVF itself is expensive. And I have other ways to handle the height issue, should it even prove to be an issue.

Yeah, women like tall men, but that often means just "taller than me". If she's five foot six and you're five foot ten, she's not going to be crossing you off the list of "not quite six feet, pity". Height alone isn't going to be a deal-breaker, and if it is, then I think (to be honest) you're better off without that sort of neurotic type.

You know that 5'10" is considered tall too right? Six has magic connotations, but even that's a perfectly respectable height for an adult male.

So you see, I don't particularly worry about height, especially given what I told you about my ex who I was serious about. But I would certainly prefer a girl who likes me for more than my height, and I do have other qualities if I say so myself. Worst case, HGH. It's safe enough. If I'm even alive to have kids and know that they're coming out short.

You're in the acceptable range for girls when it comes to height, especially the petite ones.

Much shorter, and it becomes a turnoff, much taller, and well.. Whereas for you, it's roughly just neutral.

And while I can't comment on the particulars of who you've dated or fell for, I can assure you that there are plenty of women for whom being short is a deal breaker. Obviously not all of them, note I never claimed that at all. It's a tautology that half of men are shorter than average, and believe me 50% of men aren't unable to find a partner and settle down. It isn't that bad. But unless they're exceptionally rude, most girls won't say to your face that your height isn't good enough, so you might well be missing out on those, especially since you say you've only dated the ones shorter or just very slightly taller. Believe me when I say that I have plenty of female friends, and I've heard them dismiss tons of guys for not being tall enough.

And even if someone is short, they might be handsome. Rich. Be a comedian, or famous. But it's a handicap nonetheless. Simply not insurmountable.

However it is incontrovertibly true that height helps, the more the merrier until you end up in the NBA or die young from back issues.

Now, I don't think I'd be utterly fucked if I magically lost 3 inches, but I know for a fact it would sting, and I want what's best for my kids. If they're a boy and not making the cut, then HGH it is, unless we have something better. I'm confident my height has enabled me to do more than I otherwise could, such as be taken more seriously as a doctor, or land women who demand that in men.

I am certainly doing my best to ensure my kids have the other advantages you mention, such as being at least (hopefully) UMC when they're born, seeing someone cute so that there's a chance they're born with decent looks (not that I'm ugly, just average, 7/10 on a good day), and I demand my partner is smart, which is also genetic.

You won't see me knocking up a 10/10 bimbo, let alone wifing one. But height is something that's done a lot for me, and I'll go to great lengths to ensure it advantages my kids.

My mom and dad are the same height, name 5'6. It's always been a mild peeve that she can't wear heels, but they get along fine regardless. I'm by far the tallest on dad's side, and there are plenty of my male relations who were born after the immediate decade or so of privation from being penniless refugees fleeing a genocide ended. My mom was considered quite tall for a girl, by Indian standards of her time, though that's only just slightly above average now for the newer crop. Her side of the family did tend taller, but even then, uh, maybe like two of my maternal cousins once removed are taller than me? And it's a very big family.

My paternal grandpa was supposedly quite tall, but then again, he died of cancer shortly after being lined up against a wall, though the cancer got him only because the Pakistani lieutenant responsible for rounding up all "military aged males" in the village took pity on a 65 year old man quite obviously on the verge of death. Maybe they were being frugal with the bullets, but I like to be charitable.

So it's possible that my dad drew the short straw, semi-literally, and my mom's side was always taller than average.

It seems odd to write off possible wife and mother on the grounds that "she's not five foot nine, my possible sons possibly might be under six feet tall!"

Note that I never said a girl being short was a deal-breaker. I was planning to marry my ex after all, and she'd need 12 inch heels and a stiff breeze upwards to look me in the eye.

I wouldn't call my concern with the height of my future son irrational at the least, height matters for men, I'm suitably thankful for being lucky in that regard. Given that my brother is almost as tall (albeit much more handsome), I am modestly confident it wasn't a fluke. The genes for height are complicated, but there's an equation for a rough and ready estimate of the likely height of your kids, based off the average of the parents and adjusting upwards by 3 inches if blue, down if pink.

If I married someone 5' tall and had a boy, they will likely be around 5'9" tall, on average. This is only an estimate, maybe they'd be lucky like I was. I'd prefer not to take the risk, though it's hardly the end of world when it comes to my choice in partner. Just something that eats away at me from the inside.

Also, if you have short daughters, then you're just setting up the next generation of "this woman is too short to be the mother of my future sons", so better put them on HGH as well.

I expect gene therapy for any purpose, including height to be easily available by then. It's a shame it's not here in time for me, but if I ever went to the trouble of going the IVF route and paid for genetic screening, I suspect I could buy it. I don't want my son to be 7' tall, but even a humble 6' and change is acceptable. I'd settle for 5'10 assuming everyone else wasn't making their Uber-kids taller. I don't need IVF, I know (regrettably) that the swimmers swim.

And what's wrong with HGH anyway? Your body makes it by the bucketload during puberty and in small amounts elsewhere. It only causes issues if given too late, or produced by a tumour when the bones are fused, making you look like a gorilla. (Gigantism during puberty, acromegaly is the gorilla bit)

It's modestly expensive, but it'll pay for itself, and I'm not quite planning the future of my grandchildren yet. Though I do hope to be around to see them.

Believe me that most men couldn't give less of a shit about the height of a girl if she's cute. Women? Oh boy.

I'm all for better living through medicine. Or medication.

And to the best of my knowledge, Ozempic is true, or I wouldn't go to such immense pains to start my mom on it.

I'd rather not, but since you've put the idea in my head, it's a good thing I've got the DSM and ICD diagnostic criteria for depression open on my tablet.

Shame their parents weren't willing to indulge in a little HGH before their bones ossified.

It worked wonders for Messi.

I always have a mild hangup about dating girls who are significantly shorter than me (and of course, most are, unless you're Nordic, 6' might not be quite as remarkable in the West as it is in India, but it still falls into tall). If I'm serious enough to want kids with them, as I was with my ex, I am scared shitless at the possibility of my son(s) coming out short. I know being tall has been incredible for me, I have my charms regardless, but even average men are often hard countered by women setting 6' in their bio, or even implicitly in person or social settings (though women are certainly not the best at gauging it, hence so many guys who are 5'10" getting away with, they just recognize "tall"). And I've read research to the effect that taller men are trusted and respected more, and even paid better (!), just look at the heights of successful politicians versus the average male in their locale, or the average height of CEOs.

Now, if I had a daughter, that would hardly be a concern, but if it's a boy and he's not looking like he'll turn out at least as tall as I am, well, if I can't prescribe the HGH myself, I know someone who knows someone and so on. I guess the genes for height were there all along in our family, looking at me and my brother, though my dad probably spent at least half his adolescence malnourished. But knowing firsthand how much that matters, no way am I going to let my sons turn out short. I'd rather lop my legs off at the heels and give it to them as platforms.

I am largely indifferent to locale as long as it's got food, electricity, and decent internet.

Big cities? They're a slight pain, I don't feel suffocated or anything, but that's largely because I'm not the kind to go out by myself.

Absolutely rural places? Too fond of my creature comforts.

But barring the latter, I can be quite comfortable anywhere as long as I have friends or loved ones around.

You can in principle sign up as a woman and look at men's profiles, too.

At least in India, you have to go through phone number verification on the apps. All 3 of the big ones at least.

But in a pinch, set your gender to female and look for men, and you can see the competition.

Edit: As I've said before, avoid Tinder like the plague, Bumble and Hinge are far better for guys.

Now this is a place where you'll be hard pressed to find a useful answer, unless you wish to go the trouble of submitting a profile for someone here to look at it. Though you could definitely do that in person, with people you know. You could even DM me, should you deem me worthy of your trust.

Consider the following:

  1. Are you attractive? Be it yes or no, pick images that maximize it. People are much less picky in person, should things progress to a date. I'm not talking catfishing, but flattering shots are IMPORTANT.
  2. How old are you? For men, until the wrong side of your 30s, older can be better.
  3. Is your job one that signals social status or at least wealth?
  4. How tall are you?
  5. Do you have "cool" hobbies? Don't put MTG or video games here, for the love of god.
  6. Can you write an interesting or funny bio?

Sadly the most important step is number 1. Be VERY thoughtful about the pictures you put there.

The ideal photo has the following properties:

  1. Taken by someone else. In other words, not obviously a selfie. That signals having friends or a social life.
  2. You're dressed well. Or have a physique conducive to not having to dress much.
  3. You're doing something interesting.
  4. Got a pet? Especially a dog? Put them in there, ideally doing something cutesy with you.

If you're really down bad, get a professional photographer or a friend who's good at it to take your photos. I make do with my brother's obscenely expensive iPhone.

If you think you can make an honest self assessment of the other answers or tell us about it, even without a photo, I can at least roughly approximate your chances. Either way, if you're not naturally super hot, then you're going to be in for a rough time. But the degree of roughness can vary, and hell, it'll help you out if you're looking for someone serious for whom looks aren't the be all and end all.

This one caught another report for "disguised Jew posting", but frankly, even I can't find any connection to them. Congratulations?

I used to be very happy, albeit very bored when nothing ever happened.

Well, now we'll find out if Iran wants to expend the rest of their long range arsenal.

He does. I don't remember the exact name, but it was ScottA or something. It's obviously not active right now, or everyone would know. Last interaction I can personally recall was a year or more back.

Yes. Yes it will.

It won't make food taste worse. But it will reduce your craving for it and make you feel full earlier.

Ozempic. If you can afford it. Nothing easier and simpler, or trendier.

There's nothing wrong with wanting your wife/husband to take care of themselves. Like, sure, being eye candy and a good lay aren't everything in a marriage, but goddamn if someone's letting themselves go, there are polite ways of telling them it's not making you happier.

Getting buff yourself? Not the ideal way, IMO. Sure, that's worth it for its own sake, but you're better off whispering to her that you think you're gaining weight and need to diet, and hoping she takes the hint. But I while I don't know her, or you, my experience is that when a woman self-conscious about her own looks sees her husband working his ass off at the gym all of a sudden, she's more likely to think he's trying to look better so leaving her is easier. Ignore if you guys are so happily married that this isn't a concern, but I would not recommend this route myself, unless you make it a point of hitting the gym and then do your level best to convince her to tag along, so she knows it's not like that.

I fucking hate it. They removed the anime cartoon style and replaced it with something that is NOT Pokemon. Now I just look like some kindergartener who bites people at school

My gut hurts from laughing, but to be fair, I think the kind of 10 year old willing to go engage in dog-fights and clobber wild animals senseless probably did bite people at school.

I'm already digging into Fish's Psychopathology and the Oxford Handbook, but I certainly will visit libgen again to pick me up a copy!

Now I am very pleased to hit you with "bruh it's your field, get a bit ahead of it."

Talk dirty to me daddy, I still can hardly believe it myself lol.

It was personal reasons, I won't go more into it.

I put a very non-negligible chance on us achieving economically competitive fusion power in a decade or two, and that's without AGI.

By no means am I claiming it's not worth investing in nuclear energy or genetic engineering, I just think that we should A) Be more annoyed at the people who slowed down progress and B) It's going to be moot.

We absolutely should invest large amounts of money in both, simply to hedge our bets if AI is a bust (highly unlikely as that is).

I see. Thank you again. For now, I've just been looking at whatever looks sick on autotrader, and skipping about 80% of them when my brother yells at me. Praying that's enough, or I'll have to pick your brains later lol.