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Subway Wizard 🔮

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User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

because there are just too many problems our outdated system can't fix.

How would an up to date system fix the problems you see?

If immigration laws are unenforced, updating the laws won't fix the problem.

And yet they are compared.

Why do you think they aren't comparable and /u/TIRM does?

I would still pattern match the first as Christianity and the second as Islam despite the "core claims" being reversed.

And if a pig was a dog he'd be a dog?

I don't see how this pertains to if someone should convert to Islam from Catholicism rather than Orthodoxy.

Everyone has a sacred right to blasphemy in a secular legal system with free speech protections.

So the United States?

The normal churn of society.

Shall we expect the rise of anarchocapitalist parties in Western Europe then?

I wonder if an arbitration requirement would play well.

Generally, it looks to me like the sort of "parallel society" thing that only really works for Hasidim and Mennonites.

There is also a similar church court system in many paleo-protestant communities.

The claim was that he backed Hillary's bid, no? If we narrow it to Obama going for a third term then clearly not.

I'm not aware of any particular action on the part of Trump in Georgia so opening an investigation into a political rival on less than solid basis is at least equivalent.

What has happened in Argentina that an ancap wins election?

I seem to recall this big controversy about the crossfire hurricane thing.

And you know that SCOTUS case in 2000.

Personally my answer for them would be to create an explicitly opt-in secondary class of marriage that functioned like marriage did in the past. I don't know how long they'd be able to keep it up in the face of regular society, but I imagine it'd be popular enough with islamic immigrants that they'd be able to call any criticism of it racist.

So some sort of privately certified pre-nup?

Nobility ought to have more scrutiny on them by virtue of their peerage, philandering peasant is droll while an unfaithful count is a scandal.

So how would the prices be derived with these bots? Certainly 3kUSD is far beyond print cost.

... Were you not awake for 2016 or 2000?

On one hand, yes it does seem important in the heat of the moment, even to me! Lives really are at stake, but at a societal level a few lives lost here or there are, while absolutely tragic, the sort of thing that, while we'll say we don't like bargaining with and deem priceless, in practice we'll gamble as if they don't really matter much to us. Witness, for example, fights over making streets safer for pedestrians, which many are happy to argue against (myself included sometimes) because it'll add a minute or two to a given car trip.

Certainly, but to get down to brass tacks how many dead people will it take before it is a catastrophe? One of the more fun bits of the community is that we can break this down into QALY and similar stats without people thinking we are moral monsters.

The Culture War also has no shortage of examples of catastrophizing on all it's extremes: witness that time that our current president told Black voters that milquetoast Republican Mitt Romney would "put [them] in chains," or how using undesired pronouns is akin to genocide, or how an admittedly-neglected immigration policy is a deliberate choice by certain figures to drive "demographic replacement." I'm not going to claim there isn't a kernel of truth to those claims, but finding common ground probably requires ceding that the bigger picture being painted is pretty biased.

And so does the Israeli-palestine conflict, exaggerated claims in the bailey do not mean that the motte is indefensible.

Of course, that position does embrace mistake theory, but I personally think we're still at a point where it's viable and nobody needs to be actively coordinating meanness.

Generalized firebombing is beyond the pale at the moment, but I'd not be against something more surgical against people actively engaging in ratfucking and other anti-social behavior.

It really depends on what you think the culture war is about: if you think it is two inconsequential groups like 4chan going to war with Tumblr then yes it fades, but I don't think that the people dead in the summer of love make it so inconsequential.

Does the Republicanism of 2001 still exist?

Why makes you so sure that "we don't know" isn't an acceptable answer? Certainly beats making shit up, which is how I would frame the non-materialist position.

Because Galileo was right, but his rivals could tell you where Saturn was tomorrow and he couldn't.

Influenced via Victorians with history books who wanted to turn Christmas from a St. Patrick's esque drinking holiday to something more family friendly rather than via converting pagans.

So you find it more likely that they are standing at parade rest for funsies?


Why can't the EU make work what the US does as standard procedure since the 30s? Why does it get its own wiki article? Weird.

Parade rest is a specific stance, it is easier than staying at attention but it isn't relaxed like that.

It is more likely that those men have their hands cuffed behind their back after they've shown or failed to show ID.

Because then it turns into a prisoner's dilemma case, and everyone defects.

And they are crossing 10 kids per household in many cases, it is likely that just by sheer volume there is going to be enough castoffs to fill volume. It is going to be similar volumes for the mennonite population.

I think this post relies too much on a definition of Republican and Democrat that do not mirror one another and change depending on which paragraph they appear in.

The Democrat party has a long bench only if you count people who aren't traditional Democrat party people, as it concerns people who are the same sort of people as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, everyone is of a similar age. The Republican party bench is just as long with Trump weirdos and freedom caucus guys if not longer, but the establishment pick for the 2024 election is Nikki Haley who lost the election before the first debate.

The disease that is killing the republican party is just as present in the democrat party if not more so, they've just had their TEA party moment in team red already so that machine has already been dead since Obama.

So what will the Republican Party look like come 2030, barring the actions of the other side? Every institution and think tank is entirely in flux at the moment and it is going to come down to who can exhibit real power next year and specially in 2026 and 2028. What is likely going to happen is that Rand Paul continues to rise to where he is one of the most prominent politicians in the party establishment just from seniority, which is going to be a bit wild to think about.

As it concerns the future of the Red Tribe intellectual, the Ivy Leagues got their start as seminaries and future red tribe elites are probably going to have a lot more MDivs and DDivs, less PhDs and JDs. There are a lot of new players like American Reformer and First Things on team red that are explicitly religious and I expect that trend to continue as who they represent rise in power on the right, while a lot of existing journals veer smart-religious or die. This is generally because those sectors that support these publications and produce those intellectuals have children and cause drastic worldview conversions in other people as a regular part of life. They can also get these intellectuals a job fairly easily as there are deep and growing shortages for well paying positions based around conservative outreach. The Hasidic Jews also have high TFRs and inevitably are going to show up to the future as well, and are naturally going to be in the red tribe.

This will also be a regression to the mean as it concerns American politics, and if the seculars are going to want to keep their happy tribe they are going to have to fight for it.

Rhetoric around the SCOTUS is turning into a particular flashpoint in recent times as well, particularly because of Rightist failings in the Executive and Legislative branch even when they win those branches. The Legislative has failure to repeal Obamacare, and to be frank the failure to do much more than obstruct; The Executive has the whole deep state thing, brought into sharp contrast with the Trump administration. Now we are seeing consent being manufactured to reach into the Judicial branch as it falls into hard Originalist control for the first time, as mentioned, since the '20s. If the SCOTUS returns to penumbras and emanations through less than clean means the right very much will feel locked out of the Federal government entirely, when they very much shouldn't be.