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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

Because both Chess and LoL are far far down in popularity in the US?

I mean, does the US not doing well in Soccer mean that it isn't athletic?

Parade rest is a specific stance, it is easier than staying at attention but it isn't relaxed like that.

It is more likely that those men have their hands cuffed behind their back after they've shown or failed to show ID.

Because people who benefit from elite backgrounds generally have the benefits that make them deserve it.

When your parent is able to homeschool you and groom you into an elite, you generally end up with the skills to get where you need to without any direct support from them.

But I suppose my definition of elite is the genuine American Aristocracy rather than someone's dad owning a car dealership.

but it is hardly a stretch,

The untouchable has been made touchable. People aren't freaking out because the law is being stretched, but who it is being stretched to cover. Presidents as Kings has taken a grave blow.

The classic definitions that matter is that the lower classes work for someone else, the middle classes work for themselves, and the upper classes don't work.

Such a definition describes political power rather than anything else, it is hard to run for office when your boss can fire you, and it is easy when you answer to passive income only.

I've not any other definitions that really describe how the differences matter other than cultural.

it's that for some people, rule following people, your hall monitors, they now missed their entire opportunity to do those things. They missed out on the easy parties, fun hook ups, the intellectual and athletic honors, their whole share for their entire lives. They missed out on the easy parties, fun hook ups, the intellectual and athletic honors, their whole share for their entire lives. They'll never get over that, because they don't have the spirit and agency to do them later.

Correct me if I've got your wrong, but the compulsive rule followers are the people who want to overthrow society in this thesis?

And when CPS knocks on your door?

Then why aren't there more left wing posters here?

How? Pillarization requires a relatively neutral central power that allows multiple parallel institutions to keep existing.

If I may be so bold, because they will be forced to by hard power. There need only be a small minority of the nation to do so, so long as they are geographically concentrated.

How so — assuming said school even remains open and accredited? One gives you a whole bunch of employment options and elite connections, the other is a useless piece of paper no employer will respect (for fear of getting sued, if nothing else).

By balancing those scales? That is the idea proposed.

because there are just too many problems our outdated system can't fix.

How would an up to date system fix the problems you see?

If immigration laws are unenforced, updating the laws won't fix the problem.

I think this post relies too much on a definition of Republican and Democrat that do not mirror one another and change depending on which paragraph they appear in.

The Democrat party has a long bench only if you count people who aren't traditional Democrat party people, as it concerns people who are the same sort of people as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, everyone is of a similar age. The Republican party bench is just as long with Trump weirdos and freedom caucus guys if not longer, but the establishment pick for the 2024 election is Nikki Haley who lost the election before the first debate.

The disease that is killing the republican party is just as present in the democrat party if not more so, they've just had their TEA party moment in team red already so that machine has already been dead since Obama.

So what will the Republican Party look like come 2030, barring the actions of the other side? Every institution and think tank is entirely in flux at the moment and it is going to come down to who can exhibit real power next year and specially in 2026 and 2028. What is likely going to happen is that Rand Paul continues to rise to where he is one of the most prominent politicians in the party establishment just from seniority, which is going to be a bit wild to think about.

As it concerns the future of the Red Tribe intellectual, the Ivy Leagues got their start as seminaries and future red tribe elites are probably going to have a lot more MDivs and DDivs, less PhDs and JDs. There are a lot of new players like American Reformer and First Things on team red that are explicitly religious and I expect that trend to continue as who they represent rise in power on the right, while a lot of existing journals veer smart-religious or die. This is generally because those sectors that support these publications and produce those intellectuals have children and cause drastic worldview conversions in other people as a regular part of life. They can also get these intellectuals a job fairly easily as there are deep and growing shortages for well paying positions based around conservative outreach. The Hasidic Jews also have high TFRs and inevitably are going to show up to the future as well, and are naturally going to be in the red tribe.

This will also be a regression to the mean as it concerns American politics, and if the seculars are going to want to keep their happy tribe they are going to have to fight for it.

If you don't mind me asking Nybbler, if we are destined to lose why aren't you jumping ship?

Would you like to make a bet?

You take control of hiring, bring in a bunch of people loyal to you over the mob, and spread them out. Use them to identify who's blocking you, and fire them for cause (i.e. insubordination). Keep going until most of the paper-pushers cave (remember, only some of them feel strongly enough to risk their jobs, but a lot more will go with the flow and/or have a chain of command going through a troublemaker; rip out the first and the second and third will mostly play ball). It's not easy, but it's possible.

So are you ready and able to knock down the laws that require merit based hiring so you can choose a Hillsdale grad over a Yale grad? There are a lot of laws that prevent a return to the spoils system of old and doing this would require getting past them.

I considered skipping posting for precisely this reason but figured it was an angle we don't tackle often. My worst fears are confirmed!

I'd be kinder if it wasn't written like a channish nastygram and had some point where I could interact that wasn't quizzing someone twice removed from your in-law's mindstate about his intent and words.

Like, what would you like to talk about? Does this represent increased activity in your life? Do you want advice about how to speak to your in-law? Do you want to talk about Christianity in the public sphere? I need some guidelines on how to help you that isn't a request to sneer at your family.

I don't have any good options here. The short answer is I don't know. I draw the line of our compromise at funding anything related to religion, and being the sole breadwinner provides me significant leverage. The public schools where I live now are unacceptable, and if I were to return to my hometown they'd be high-quality public (but my kids would be put through the same social shit I went through as a non-believer).

Of the religious school models, classical schools are extremely new and attempt to be more implicit than explicit. Religious instruction is saved for the final years of schooling in the school near me and has a different approach than the usual, many do not provide it at all. If you have the opportunity I'd recommend investigating them, the people running them are far from fundamentalist baptists in the worst case, and you might have one that isn't religious at all and may actually be a charter school.

National? The city police were the ones fencing off churches.

Do the Canadians, who have had the full firehose of English culture not have a distinctive culture? Certainly they do.

It isn't the same culture as the 19th century, but it never was going to be.

Generally, a distinctive culture is going to survive in pockets and subculture, specific to Czechia they've rapidly began to grow a major presence in American gunculture and guntube.

Well for SB apparently now Questionable Questing is no longer merely a pit of degeneracy.

What would the moral option be? Is it able to be universalized?

Do you stubbornly insist on using Thunderbird?

Are there better email clients?

It lasts until someone sees use in putting a weapon in space, which won't be till we are beyond the moon

Generally what turns people anti-palestine tends to be Palestinian misbehavior rather than Israeli behavior.

Why not just store the concrete casks outside like they are now?

So why does Jefferson's hypocrisy have any relevance? Surely if it hits him it hits far more important pillars.

Detente in the culture war is over.

The ents have become to move, classes that had no interest in politics prior have found themselves forced to participate and they aren't happy about it.

Are you ready to deal with the Amish having a voting bloc?