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User ID: 1050



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User ID: 1050

Are Star Wars and superhero movies really what you consider as the peak of contemporary mainstream critical value? I would be more interested in hearing your opinion of big budget prestige movies like Knives Out, Inception, or even the Christian Bale Batman movies.

I would also propose an alternative reason for less useful critics, which is that it simply is not as essential to tell me how good a movie is anymore. I am generally just going to watch it at home on my astoundingly good, cheap TV. People don't read reviews to know whether a movie is worth their $20 anymore, but to get an explanation of plot/themes or, more, as a conversation with other fans of the movie or movie's source material. Of course, this applies mainly to movies; games of course still cost money, and TV shows now more than ever require a decision on whether a shows justifies a la carte streamer X.

I thought Sandman was good, but a lot of the style has been pretty inevitably lost since there are not rotating artists like in the comics. I don't think the series truly starts transcending until things get nuts in the second half of the comics series, but they certainly pulled off the Corinthian climax and entire convention very well.

For the culture war adjacent points, I thought recasting of race and gender was a mixed bag. Death was fine; she was a 90s goth girl in the 90s, but the show is no longer in the 90s. Lucifer... I am not sure I really buy and will have to see if they pull off in later seasons; Lucifer in the show Lucifer (initially, heavily inspired by Sandman) was very well done, imo. I don't love that actress from Orange is the New Black in general, so I don't like that casting but don't think it was badly miscast. Overall, however, I would say that all Dream denizens (Cain, Abel, Matthew, etc.) lacked personality and depth.

I wish they had short stories and novellas in Dragon! It seems like Dragon is also essentially a democratic process for people willing to jump through the hoops. I would say I am overall very impressed by the various sci fi awards to more or less consistently award extremely high quality books over the years despite just being popularity contests.