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User ID: 1040



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 21:31:59 UTC


@sonyasupposedly on Twitter, /u/sonyaellenmann on Reddit


User ID: 1040

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I'm sorry, what an awful experience 🤮 I haven't been in that exact situation but some like it. It is upsetting to be disrespected in such a violating manner and to feel vulnerable to perverts while out and about. I don't have any advice, just commiseration.

Their distribution on country music stations was cut off. That's textbook deplatforming and goes against the cultural value of free expression if not the legal construct of free speech.

I'll try another anti depressant.

This was gonna be my recommendation too.

This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I don't get into this kind of debate because nothing good can come of it and I find it beyond irritating to be scolded for my opinions.

+1 to adjusting how the thread structure is used

In some ways it's a higher lift to jump through the bureaucratic hoops to get the state to sanction your death, in some ways it's a higher to off yourself personally. But you don't have a principal-agent problem if you're the one killing yourself. Besides, that option can't be legislated away. Not sure how I'd feel if it could.

Institute for Justice, which is on a crusade against stupid occupational licensing requirements.

I got an Aeropress and enjoyed it for a few weeks... but since then I've been too lazy to use it since my husband brews a pot every morning. The quality difference doesn't matter enough to me to make up for the minor hassle.

I've come to view the physical pain of suicide as a feature rather than a bug due to its deterrent effect. You have to really, really want it, and I think that's a good thing. But ODing on fentanyl seems... well, not fun, but better than most other methods.

Fwiw, "thanks for the links" did not mean I blindly believed him. But I appreciate you weighing in also :)

Thanks for the links!

I love everything Will writes, his subject matter is utterly fascinating and he's so evenhanded. The Substack is awesome, I should pony up and pay him.

It would be cool to have voting on top-level posts but not comments, if that's feasible.

Idk where you live, but as far as I know, almost everywhere has a building code, at least in the US. I suppose a sufficiently rural area might offer more leeway.

I've been there, it's frustrating. I didn't figure out any "one weird trick" personally, I just gradually got better at forcing myself to buckle down. I still procrastinate a lot but I do also get done what I need to get done. Shorter-term deadlines where I'm accountable to a colleague are helpful. If someone is relying on me to do X at N time, I'm much more motivated than if it's a "finish this eventually" situation.

This service is often recommended, probably worth a try: https://www.focusmate.com/

"X genuinely believes media and (liberal) political elites harbor a large number of pedophiles who are trafficking children."

Heck, I'm pretty close to believing that, if you take out "liberal" and "large."

You mean "cue," btw. Unless this is one of those British-versus-American English things and I'm unaware.

DSL = Data Secrets Lox, another discussion forum in the same cultural sphere.

I read a bunch of Ask A Manager when I first started getting "real" jobs which was really helpful for calibrating what's normal and how to behave in an office, that kind of thing.

Recently began Apollo's Angels, a history of ballet. More sociological analysis than I expected! Enjoying it so far.

Ask this on /r/CredibleDefense and people will likely have thoughts.

has anyone used aristillus (https://aristillus.xyz/login)? We could consider joining up.

I have and I know the guy who owns / runs it. I haven't been active there in a while but it's a good group.

Estrogen has pretty profound cognitive effects (though of course hormones aren't literally everything). For example, transitioning MTFs often describe feeling way more emotional, crying more often, etc., while transitioning FTMs describe the same thing in reverse.

Anecdotally, from the perspective of a cis woman who doesn't have a problem with trans women*, the ones I'm familiar with read to me as nerdy girls in terms of affect and personality.

*my own problems with transness / gender ideology / whatever are all about <18yo children transitioning — the adult trans people I know don't bother me (regardless of when they themselves began transition, which I rarely even know)

Slogging through Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History.

Corgiville Fair is a treasure!