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User ID: 1040



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 08 21:31:59 UTC


@sonyasupposedly on Twitter, /u/sonyaellenmann on Reddit


User ID: 1040

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+1 to adjusting how the thread structure is used

It would be cool to have voting on top-level posts but not comments, if that's feasible.

I love everything Will writes, his subject matter is utterly fascinating and he's so evenhanded. The Substack is awesome, I should pony up and pay him.

Their distribution on country music stations was cut off. That's textbook deplatforming and goes against the cultural value of free expression if not the legal construct of free speech.

Second paragraph would work just as well without quotations — you can simply leave them out.

has anyone used aristillus (https://aristillus.xyz/login)? We could consider joining up.

I have and I know the guy who owns / runs it. I haven't been active there in a while but it's a good group.

On a Daphne Du Maurier kick right now, reading her short story collection The Breaking Point after deeply enjoying The Scapegoat.

This probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but I don't get into this kind of debate because nothing good can come of it and I find it beyond irritating to be scolded for my opinions.

it's seen the same way as cutting, or anorexia nowadays.

These are still massive deals, you're just not a teenager anymore. I might be wrong but I'd even guess there's more of both now that social media has subsumed much of teenage socializing.

although, ironically, this is the case

Wait, are you saying Leopold's subjects did maim themselves? Link / source?

Thanks for the links!

Fwiw, "thanks for the links" did not mean I blindly believed him. But I appreciate you weighing in also :)

Yes, I'm sure you'd be exactly this sanguine if your employee fucked your wife. C'mon.

Hooray for romance!

I think the paradigm you're looking for is "productized services." Here is a blog post about this concept (ignore all the calls to action, this guy sells SEO stuff but the blog posts are generally decent).

reminds me of the "you do not, under any circumstances, 'gotta hand it to them'" tweet

(please note, I do not have a personal position on whether we gotta hand it to sovereign citizens)

"X genuinely believes media and (liberal) political elites harbor a large number of pedophiles who are trafficking children."

Heck, I'm pretty close to believing that, if you take out "liberal" and "large."

Persian Fire, about Darius and Xerxes' attempts to conquer Greece. Very fun read, reminds me a bit of Carthage Must Be Destroyed (which I also enjoyed). I must admit, I don't retain a lot of the back-and-forth minutia, but nonetheless the texture of these ancient civilizations is engrossing. Our civilizational forebears lived in a much more brutal, visceral world than we do, coping with much starker material limitations. Yet at the same time, the more things change, the more they stay the same — humans gonna human!

Ask this on /r/CredibleDefense and people will likely have thoughts.

Would the transgender tendency to document absolutely everything online

It may be a legitimate demographic tendency, idk, but this is like drawing the conclusion that all plastic surgery is botched because the plastic surgery one notices is botched. Sampling bias. The people who document and publish their lives online the most are the most visible.

Exit rights to life are intrinsic, you just have to actually commit suicide. Granted, it's not easy, but it's not impossible either.

I tend to agree with OP that this slope has proven alarmingly slippery.

Recently began Apollo's Angels, a history of ballet. More sociological analysis than I expected! Enjoying it so far.

I vastly prefer this interface to Reddit, and the CW threads have not had as much "here's my dumbass manifesto" lately, so I'm happy overall.

Conversation is for asking people questions about themselves, not for telling people stuff. Do way, way more of the former and the latter will happen naturally in the appropriate amount (which is minimal).