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User ID: 533



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User ID: 533

I was reacting to the statement that a medical condition implies a cure. It may imply that there could be one but it doesn't imply that there is.

Does cancer have a cure?

How much more would they need to do before the principle of charity finally runs out on them?

I don't clearly see the option that seems most likely to me: the deep desire to be seen as "cool" or "intelligent". These people will switch to whatever reddit/the paper/hollywood tells them is the new truth, no matter what it is.

And the one that kills me the most is:

t: "I'm a woman born in a man's body!"

t: :does something very masculine:

p: "Uh, that didn't seem very lady like"...

t: "You just have a wrong stereotype about what women are really like!"

... At which point I'm asking myself how anyone can "feel like a woman" if a woman can be literally anything. Maybe this holds for men as well and they actually just feel like a non-stereotypical man?

I think the solution is pretty simple here: if you're white and the suspect is black, simply do not go. Announce you see some other crime in progress (e.g. littering, jay walking, etc.) and are unable to respond. There is no upside for the cop and only potential downside. I'd quit before I'd go to confront someone I'm not legally able to arrest.

Even in the current environment the studies are so bad that the meta analysis is worthless. Junk in, junk out.

The experts may not be malicious as such but it's interesting to note that medical professionals always seem to determine, after much sincere consideration, that the most expensive possible procedure is always required. If you go in with back pain they will find a disk out of alignment if you're over 35 or so and that will be the motivation they give for recommending back surgery despite no correlation between surgery and reduction of pain and no correlation between unaligned disks and pain.

That probably works, thanks.

I believe you but do you have any sources that demonstrate this? I have contacts who make this asinine claim and I know they won't take any of the sources I would be able to quickly find (e.g. Fox) so do you have better ones?

MS CEO is not white, does that count?

As for those who do accept that medical technology currently cannot make Jane "actually a woman", but it might be able to do so in the future – and I am assuming you belong to this group – I have to ask: what is a woman? What medical procedure would Jane need to "actually" become a woman?

This line of reasoning always gets me. Person claims to be of different gender. People point out that this person isn't actually behaving like the target gender. Person claims have wrong views about what that gender is like.... well then what makes you think you are of that gender? Maybe the gender you currently have is also misunderstood and your biology actually got it right but societies views of it is not right?

You say "what is a woman and what would be required to be one" and I say if someone cannot answer definitively what a woman is then how can they possibly claim to be one.

Yes, so much of the world feels like living in "The emperor's new clothes" right now.

Could things like "black pill", "gender dysphoria", "trad-life", "degrowth" be examples of sociogenic illness?

I think this and other online things could be and it took something like this to awaken people to the possibility. Also the flat earth movement, alien abductions (this one predates the internet a bit), "incels", etc.

Well, you can't convince someone against something they really want to believe. The fact is we have no conclusive evidence of anything breaking physics at all. The physics says it's impossible, or if it could somehow happen we should also have time travel. Why has no one ever come back if time travel will one day exist?

As Charles Stross said on his blog: people who believe we're being visited by aliens don't understand just how vast space is.

Gimbal lock doesn't explain anything but making slow things appearing fast. Radar is most likely a bug or some kind of tests designed to trick radar (which the US has conducted in the past). Could you expand on what you mean by infra red signature? If you're talking about my example, nothing was fooled there. The pilots knew they were watching a bird but they saw the infra red video it looked like a UFO so they uploaded it.

If you look at official statements, though, the government only says that these are really their videos. They don't even say they don't know what it is.

There's nothing anywhere that appears to break the laws of physics. You need to look at the effect filming with a gimbal has. I saw one video taken from a helicopter using a heat sensor or something (black and white video). The thing seemed to be really moving fast but someone got out google maps and mapped out the course the "object" was travelling and it was actually going very slow. Obviously a bird.

Another trick to watch out for is perspective. If you think something is very far away but is actually closer it will appear to be going impossibly fast. And in the sky you don't have good frames of reference to easily detect this.

Never. Especially these days. It will very likely be perceived as creepy behaviour by all the women who've rejected you. If you don't hear back just assume it wasn't meant to be and move on.

but wedding announcements in the New York Times from like two weeks ago

I would treat this like the lottery: with enough people playing it's bound to happen to someone, but it's not going to happen to you so you shouldn't waste your time.

But that argument equally undermines the original complaint that it doesn't make sense for Valyrians to all have platinum blonde hair but different skin colors. Maybe the definitely blood-magic evil sacrifice thing that makes valyrians what they are doesn't impact skin color, who knows?

We shouldn't use the show to make assumptions about the book. The show could be using an entirely different rule set (or, more likely, not caring about the story or any underlying consistency at all).

For the same reason something like 90% of things on this world seem to work the way they did in medieval Europe?

Actually this is counter to your point. The reason 90% of the things in ASoIaF work like the medieval Europe we know is because for the things he doesn't care about, he left them as they are (e.g. he didn't make a new gravity). But the things he did care about, he changed. For example, the people ride horses but some people ride dragons. This is generally how any fantasy story would be written because no one wants to read some text explaining every possible aspect of a universe because the author changed everything. Fantasy is like basically doing a "fork" of reality to save time and help prevent confusion (e.g. "how does gravity work in this universe again?")

This concept of a magical "biological seed" is pretty inherent to the plot. Incest doesn't work the same either. In our world you would expect centuries of inter-breeding to result in terrible deformities. What they get is beautiful people who are sometimes insane.

In the book Ned used the "biological seed" evidence first and from there uncovered the rest because it wasn't even particularly well hidden (everyone at court but the King seemed to know already).

otherwise you'd expect 1 in 4 of them to be lighter.

But why would you expect this? Why are we assuming earthen genetics? What genetics do the fire breathing dragons have? What are the genetics of the children of the forest? For the "others"? It's just as likely as black hair being a Baratheon "curse" that all Baratheon offspring will always have forever.

So GRRM just ragequit and said the whole thing works differently, that in Westeros your paternal family "type" will always predominate over another or something like that, because magic or whatever.

I wouldn't call that rage quitting. I'd say this is the correct response. Why would a world that has dragons, walking dead people, tree people and so on follow earthen genetics? Do people in that world even have DNA? The way the story is presented it very much "feels" like Ned's discovery (actually Jon Arryn's) is correct and for the reasons he stated.

It would also be plausible that families have some kind of "magic". How else is one line able to manage to hold a position of power for thousands of years? Do we have an analog to that in our world?

In your case, why not just lie that you got it and not get it?

Putting untested technology in your body completely unnecessarily (SK already had COVID) most certainly is a terrible imposition. And that was the state back then, now we know it wouldn't have changed anything anyway.

You've entirely missed the point. It doesn't matter if GMOs are good or not. Based on the obscurity of the subs I saw this occur in and near identical posts (I remember going and checking similar posts because I initially thought it was the same person) demonstrates pretty well that it was bots/astroturfing. Which was what my post was about.

Second of all, the issue with GMOs are not really about if it's healthy or not. The problem is companies owning DNA and we've already seen ugly fall out from this. It will only get worse. I'm not prepared to advocate a total ban on all patents, as some do, but I think we should at least be able to say that DNA must be public information and cannot be patented.