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User ID: 3005



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User ID: 3005

I don't really care about what they do to Gaza because I don't care about Palestinians. It's about the massive propaganda push they've put out in the US, the flexing of their power, and pulling the US into this disaster. If these Middle Eastern countries want to kill each other at this point I just don't care. But I don't want US tax dollars going to this and I certainly don't want all these laws being passed criminalizing the criticism of Israel. I'm just so tired of hearing about antisemitism, the Holocaust, and Israel at this point. I'm just done caring about this issue either way, and the Israel lobby shoving this in my face daily makes me hate them. My whole life I've been hearing about Jews and the Holocaust and never again and all this shit. I'm just done with it.

Israel and Zionist have way more power than these protestors or Hamas/Palestinians and it is absurd to be worried about their influence and not that of Zionists. Billionaire Jewish donors and powerful Jews in the media are working overtime to pull the most powerful levers possible to put out Israeli propaganda and get the US government to act in their favor including trying to pass laws in Congress officially adopting Zionist propaganda by the US government.

I've always been anti-Islam since my New Atheist days, so when 10/7 happened I was horrified and was supportive of Israel since it confirmed my priors about Muslims and specifically Muslim extremists. Since then, the behavior of Israel, Zionists, and frankly Jews in general has made me hate Israel just as much as I hate Iran or Saudi Arabia. I now look at them no different than any of the other Middle Eastern countries.

I think Zionists are noticing this kind of shift too and crushing all dissent publicly with every tool they have, making it obvious the extreme amount of power they have that they once claimed were just conspiracy theories. I don't think they would be doing this if they weren't extremely worried about how bad they look. To me, this is just another attempt at that. They have put out so many lies at this point that I am extremely skeptical of this and any other claim they make.

I'm sorry, but you haven't been paying attention if you actually believe this. The campus protestors of the 1960's and 1970's were worse. The Weathermen got prestigious academic positions even after being literal left wing terrorists. Who do you think taught these kids? I can promise you it wasn't all from the internet. This is just the conclusion of what started 70 years ago. The time to crush this was during the Civil Rights Movement. Now it is the dominant ideology of the West.

Also, Nietzsch considered Judaism slave morality.

It's also hilarious how similar this is with the SDS in the 1960's except that was led by Jews. And if you don't believe me, ask Mark Rudd: https://www.markrudd.com/indexcd39.html

First of all, there is no such thing as Red Tribe. It was a thing made up by Scott that is completely unscientific and in my opinion a terrible classification system so I just reject it outright. Second of all, even if I did accept (which I don't) the backbone of this Red Tribe is the American South which were the most violent racists for the vast majority of the US's history. These were the same people who fought a war to keep slavery and fought tooth and nail to keep Jim Crow era segregation. Unless you want to say Jefferson Davis, George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, and the KKK were all leftist or Marxist (which Hylnka did) and do giga Chad levels of DR3, his theories are completely inaccurate. They don't map onto historical realities. If you sent him back in time to these Red Tribe people he claims existed and he told his theories to them about what they actually thought, they would clearly say he is 100% wrong. If you heard him argue the Civil Rights movement and what happened, he would say conservative good old boy whites were fighting segregation and hippie Marxists leftists (Rosseau influenced of course) were fighting to keep segregation. This is laughably false. You may think this is uncharitable but this is literally what he thought. I saw him write out multiple variations of this.

Plus, he commits a political version of Lewontin's Fallacy in regards to political taxonomy where if something has many similarities it is obviously the exact same. And of course, there's really only two political tribes (Hobbes and Rosseau) and he got to define them (which is why he liked Red/Blue tribe so much).

The 1960's example is a bad example because many of those Democrats switched to being Republicans such as Strom Thurmond after the Democrats started pushing Civil Rights legislation.

I was literally going to make that same metaphor with humans and apes. Hlynka was incapable of seeing this. You go back far enough and almost all intellectual movements in the West have common roots. Almost everything we think and do in the modern world has at least some of its roots in the Enlightenment. The United States itself is a product of the Enlightenment (founded by Enlightenment thinkers etc.) and he was a super patriotic Red Tribe American. Taking his arguments seriously we could also accuse him of all kinds of things that he would disagree with and doesn't believe in because of tenuous links.

Almost everything we think and do in the modern world has at least some of its roots in the Enlightenment. The United States itself is a product of the Enlightenment (founded by Enlightenment thinkers etc.) and he was a super patriotic Red Tribe American. Taking his arguments seriously we could also accuse him of all kinds of things that he would disagree with and doesn't believe in because of tenuous links.

He was wrong about literally everything. He was like a Marxist except instead of the working class vs the bourgeoisie it was Hobbes vs Rosseau. I saw him make insane comments like Strom Thurmond being a far left Marxist or saying HBD is the same thing as critical race theory.

They could ally with China possibly.

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. What I am saying is there was massive pushback to the left's policy goals in the 1960's by regular people. There weren't just protests by the left in the 1960's. People would show up and counter protest anti-war protestors or MLK or whatever it was we look back on now as a "good thing". White people (especially ethnic whites) in places like Chicago were extremely hostile to MLK and open housing laws and if you took a snap shot of that you'd say no way they will accept this kind of change except they did and they all moved to the suburbs within a decade. And yes I do know the left was more violent with stuff like the Democratic convention in Chicago or later the Weathermen who committed literal terrorism.

From reading Nixonland, he documents a bunch of right wing protestors doing the same thing left wing protestors did in the 1960's. We never really hear about it though. We only hear about left wing protestors vs police or the National Guard.

That's incredible for the UK. It was almost 95% white British or Irish in 1991. The scale of demographic change in only 28 years is shocking. An absolute betrayal by their elites.

From what I've seen, that's 100% a reaction to Indians.

It may be possible, but I'm not going to take that Al Jazeera article written by a clearly biased author as proof.

I find this pretty hard to believe. I've found multiple sources from people that are looking to show lots of non-whites in England and have written books about it, and most of them claim that London in 1750 was 1-3% non-white at most. This would have been about 10 to 15 thousand people from the colonies. So from contact with non-whites from the age of exploration, in 100 less years their capital had 10x the amount of Africans? And looking at Portugal today, blacks are only 2% of the population. The source for that is an Al Jazeera article here (https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2021/3/10/how-portugal-silenced-centuries-of-violence-and-trauma) that I just skimmed but I am skeptical of its veracity to say the least.

Christians in Europe and America were not historically egalitarian though. You and the alt-right keep repeating that and yet there's almost 2,000 years of the complete opposite behavior. And the modern conception of tabula rasa came from the Enlightenment which Christianity was often very hostile to. The post-Civil Rights and neutered Christianity of today is not the same Christianity of Charlemagne or Victorian England. White Christian Europeans conquered and ruled the whole world and put themselves firmly at the top end of the hierarchy. People like Richard Spencer will say that whites are descended from conquerors and settlers yet conveniently leave out what religion those people believed in. White Christians historically behaved in a complete opposite manner from what people like you and him predict they would.

Those people doing this never cared about disrespecting the troops. They only cared about magnifying it to people who do.

I haven't looked too much into it because it's clearly not true and can be dismissed, but one of the guys Richard Spencer has been promoting is Adam Green who in my opinion is insane. I've also seen him promote this book: https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Hoax-Pauls-Fooled-Thousand/dp/B0CHX1XV68

He was one of the people I was thinking of when I wrote that. I actually listened to a podcast with him and Richard Spencer and this is when I realized that to be true. The funniest part is they hate people like Jared Taylor who actually advocates for white interests on a practical level instead aspirational Nietzsche white super men stuff that will never happen.

I got banned from one of their substacks for pointing this out. There is a guy who Richard Spencer and other DR people have endorsed name Adam Green who pushes this line of thinking and is pretty popular.

Their argument makes no sense though. We have 1,700 years of Christianity in Europe where they were "based" and about 60 years of being "cucked". Clearly something else happened. The sexual revolution, racism being unacceptable, mass immigration all happened at the same time. Are we to believe that Christianity caused this and it was all leading up to this? Or did other things change? This is a time of secularization (especially in the youth) and also coincides with the rise of new age religions. So as Christianity falls, what they would call degeneracy rises? It's simply a just so story. It's unfalsifiable. But you can come up with just as compelling of theories (and I would argue more) that say the opposite.

How can you be pro-White if you are anti-Christian not only in the present but in the past? That is part of the history of almost all white people. Almost all of the great European men they admire were Christian or influenced by it greatly. But that's the thing. They actually don't like white people. If you listen to their podcasts or read their writing, they actually have nothing for disdain from them. To them white people aren't really people but an idea. If they actually had to spend some time around actual normal whites, they would and do hate it. That one guy that used to be a mod is right about the fact that they are much more similar to white progressives than they are to Red Tribe whites in America or working class whites in Europe. The whites they imagine only exist in their head.

That is part of it but there is another part that they wouldn't have been accepted. In the 16th century, some blacks made their way to London because of the war with Spain and the reaction was extremely negative with the Queen moving to expel all black people from the realm. So the first recorded instance of blacks goes all the way to the Queen wanting to kick them out of the country. You wouldn't want to be a black person in Europe because the people wouldn't like you and would consider you inferior and possibly not human.

No they are saying Christianity leads to being a cuck. There is a direct line from Christianity to what we have today. A clear cause and effect. But of course we know that's not true given things like the savagery of the Christianity of the Franks or the Spanish Inquisitions. And despite the fact that they could have mass imported nonwhites, they clearly didn't or see it as desirable. They were much more racially conscious than we are now. Many also claim that Christianity was created by Jews to control Whites. They consider it a cucked foreign religion imposed on them by Jews to supplant the true Pagan religions of Europeans.

I've noticed the alt-right (specifically the Richard Spencer wing) is blaming Christianity for cucking Whites and making them accept non-whites in their country. To me this isn't even close to being true and can be dismissed outright as nonsense.

We know from genetics that modern Europeans separated from sub saharan African 30 to 40 thousand years ago. We also know that Western Europeans didn't have any meaningful contact with Blacks until the 15th century when Portugal "discovered" West Africa during the Age of Exploration. By accepting this, we can see that Western Europe has had over 500 years of contact with Blacks.

I've specifically been looking into England, but the same is true for other nations. The highest count of non-whites I can find on Google Scholar recently is 2.6% in 1951. Interestingly, 2.2% of those 2.6% were first generation immigrants. This is by far the highest I've seen with other estimates putting it close to 99%.

So at this point, we have pretty clear data that when Europe was Christian (and America), there was almost 0 non-white immigration to Europe. We also know places like France put in racist laws like Code Noir that explicitly put Whites at the top of the social hierarchy.

When we look at when this changed, it was really the 1960's. But at this point, Christianity was starting to decline due to science and especially Darwin (and in my opinion became obviously not true). The increased immigration and anti-racist views correlates with Christianity's decline, so the idea that Christianity having everyone's soul being equal can be equally dismissed. In fact, I would argue the pro non-white immigration came from the secular left or if you want to argue it's the right neoliberalism. I see zero evidence of this that Richard Spencer and his allies argue to be true. In fact, the evidence shows the complete opposite.

This is taxonomic sophistry. Obviously that was implied in what they said. No sane person would claim otherwise an you are arguing against nobody.