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User ID: 1502



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User ID: 1502

Huh. Never heard of that. Where can I get an orange wine?

Grandpa, what's a bad check?

The difference is that these crimes are committed by top officials in our government. Journalists are supposed to be on top of this, ripping them a new asshole so that they're too scared to even try - but now they have turned their coats and now work for our enemy.

Smash those tools of the Devil with our wooden shoes!

If she wasn't mentally healthy, how can she consent to kill herself?

Or did the doctors decide for her? That's even worse. We're getting into Aktion T4 territory here.


In Canada, they're suiciding people for being blinded in one eye, or just poor. Kids too.

In October 2020, a report stated that MAiD would cut healthcare costs by over $66 million. Canada will expand the pool to include the mentally ill and “mature minors.”

but the reality was a small, bald little man-child who wouldn't register as a 4/10 on the attractiveness scale.

Oh man. Wait till they hit 30.

I recently saw this comic posted on a far-left site of a person holding a photo of a young femboy catgirl making a cute face, while looking at the same person at 30, bearded and drinking at the bar in a rumpled jacket and tie, still with the cat ears and tail. Wish I still had the link.

Hospitals and doctors around the country are facing harassment and even death threats over the medical care they offer to transgender kids. In many cases, they have been the subject of posts by a Twitter account called Libs of TikTok, as well as stories in conservative media outlets casting gender-affirming care as child abuse and mutilation.

Which raises the question: where should social networks draw the line with accounts promoting narratives that spark harassment campaigns on their platforms and beyond?

They're doing elective pediatric double mastectomies on minors, and that's not a problem. The problem here is that Libs of Tiktok is shining a light on it and letting the world know. Fucked up, eh?


NATO is here to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down.

Germany is the real enemy here. Here's a good rundown of the idea. Even if you disagree you should be aware of it, and understand how events developing favor this narrative. If you haven't heard of the MacKinder Thesis, now would be a good time to start. Keeping Russia and Germany apart is the crown jewel of American domination overseas.

Yes? It's the talk of the town? That's why that Washington Post "journalist" tracked her down, doxxed her, and harassed her family members.


there’s a strong tendency on the left to underestimate the power of nationalism.

I’m not sure why this tendency exists or how it developed.

Well, that's easy. When it's for them, they're in favor of it, but if it doesn't work for their side, then nationalist is a synonym for fascist. Orwell had a lot to say about this.

British nationalists: fascists. Ukrainian nationalists: heroes. American nationalists: fascists. South African nationalists: heroes. Now you try!

Overall, it is white progressives, not right-wingers, who constitute the most intolerant group in America, and who are also far more likely to eschew contacts with political opponents than any group.


If they’re from a western country they may consider themselves (and others like them) an expat instead of an immigrant, but it all amounts to the same thing.

Expatriates are foreign workers. They go to another country to work there, but will return home. An immigrant goes to stay.

It kind of sucks they have no language requirement. You should speak a country's language. No matter how many people speak English, you're still stuck in the English bubble. I know people who have lived in other countries for over a decade and still don't speak the language. It's sad, honestly.

I remember the best tequila producers in Mexico saying that there's no way a bottle of tequila should cost more than $40. But - the market was demanding super overpriced tequilas. So, they shrugged their shoulders and marked up the price to $200, and people loved it.

It's gonna be Europe in 20 years. A continent-wide retirement home.

Yeah. After reading the unfiltered internet for years, and seeing people pour out their problems on the page, things I have never experienced, the more I am convinced that simple life hygiene is what is wrong with so many of them. They cause so many of their own problems. Moreover I think that so many of these problems are left over from when we lived in tribes. We stopped doing that a long time ago, and yet we still have all these neuroses because we don't make our own food or weave our own baskets any more. Especially not living in extended families, that one was a punch in the gut to humanity.

Heck I don't say this as some exemplar of a shining true life, either. I used to think I was depressed. Turns out, there was no brain chemical imbalance at all, it was just that I had a shitty life and that was because I was doing it wrong.

007 isn't some hereditary title that passes on. It's his agent number. They have numbers so that they aren't referred to by name in intelligence agency documents, so they can't be betrayed. Post-WWII (and pre-WWII) Britain's secret service was full of communist traitors who could and did give away operations to the enemy.

They just want to get rid of Libs of Tiktok so very badly. She's exposing the trans agenda in public schools and boy, that kind of thing can't succeed if there's a spotlight shining on it. The whole idea is to do it by stealth, without informing parents. Thus "stochastic terrorism" is the way to silence her.

If the Japanese and German war efforts were so doomed, why were they stupid enough to throw themselves into a war they couldn't win?

Because it was a desperate, last-gasp gamble for both of them. Starting a war usually is (unless you're a neocon).

The Japanese knew they were engaging on a high-risk venture with little chance of success. But they had been forced into a corner by FDR's steel and oil embargos. It was either strike now, or be assassinated by the ultranationalists they had been egging on. We actually have the minutes from the last imperial council meeting where they made the final decision for war and they're quite clear on this.

Hitler considered that there were too many Germans and not enough food to feed them. The soil was giving out, and what would happen then? Germany must rely on imports, and hence become yet another slave of the western bankers. Hitler always felt himself racing against time, and needed to strike quickly. Imagine if he wasn't so hasty and had an army of Tiger tanks and V2 rockets to start with.

It would have to be super depressing living somewhere and going to funerals all the time.

I remember hearing this interview with an older woman, and she was like, "I'm finished with men! I fall in love with them, and them with me, and then we get married, and then they die! I can't take it any more!"

In Ian Fleming's novel You Only Live Twice, Bond was transferred into another branch and given the number 7777. All of the British spies have numbers. The 00 prefix is just used for those few special agents who are assassins.

It's pretty clear we didn't want this research to take place, but Fauci & Co. wanted it very much. So yeah, legalistic arguing over what the definition of "is" is is just the ticket.

It's also pretty clear that the unelected government does not view our laws as legitimate and will nullify them whenever it sees fit. Did anyone from the intelligence community go to prison for domestic spying after we passed a law against it? No. Just ask Martha Stewart, who went to prison for lying to FBI agents. The punishment for lying to us was to get hired by the mainstream media to amplify their voices.

We already banned gain-of-function research.

Why do you think Fauci & Co. had to outsource it to China and Ukraine?

One of the things that we always teach our kids is guilt by association.


Lady, you're doing it wrong. Very, very wrong.

If she's mentally unwell, then she's deficiently in no shape to make life or death decisions.