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joined 2022 October 06 20:20:52 UTC


User ID: 1502



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User ID: 1502

A threat to his power? The pipelines were a major source of Russian leverage. Now they're gone. Moreover the US has been threatening them for some time. An important Polish politician said "Thank you USA" because nobody informed him that it was supposed to be a secret.

Lucky for Europe that they run a gargantuan $60 billion trade surplus with the US. They can easily afford the US gas, and it will be warmly welcomed as helping to pare down that unfair surplus.

Trade is supposed to be equal, with both parties benefiting.

The gas was already turned off at the tap. Why would the Russians blow up their own pipeline?

Biden is on video saying that the pipeline would end. Why's it a surprise that he ordered it blown up?

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria "Fuck the EU" Nuland explicitly said that Nord Stream 2 would be brought to an end if Russia invades Ukraine on the official US State Department account.


If they’re from a western country they may consider themselves (and others like them) an expat instead of an immigrant, but it all amounts to the same thing.

Expatriates are foreign workers. They go to another country to work there, but will return home. An immigrant goes to stay.

It kind of sucks they have no language requirement. You should speak a country's language. No matter how many people speak English, you're still stuck in the English bubble. I know people who have lived in other countries for over a decade and still don't speak the language. It's sad, honestly.

They just want to get rid of Libs of Tiktok so very badly. She's exposing the trans agenda in public schools and boy, that kind of thing can't succeed if there's a spotlight shining on it. The whole idea is to do it by stealth, without informing parents. Thus "stochastic terrorism" is the way to silence her.