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joined 2022 September 25 23:19:35 UTC


User ID: 1351



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User ID: 1351

Interesting. I guess the SF Chronicle is indeed the closest it gets to that in the Bay Area and it doesn't have a feed. From what you've said it's unlikely there will be anything else that even comes close to that

Is there a good mainstream (i.e., NYTimes-like) San Francisco / Bay Area newspaper that has an RSS feed? It seems the Chronicle should be the SF equivalent of a NY Times, yet I can't seem to find a feed for it. Is there any other comparable option?

(Yes, I know mainstream news sucks... But I like to keep an eye on it anyway)

I feel like reference managers, such as Mendeley or Zotero, work well for this type of purpose. They are built to be a small database and thus search fast for reasonable sizes you are not likely to surpass. They have good browser integrations that make it about as easy as bookmarking to save things. They have tags / non-tree "file" structure interface. They can search within most text / pdf documents, and they have fields for annotations, comments etc. A neat feature is that you can add "related items" to any item, making it easy to store explicit connections for later. They also have cloud-based backup / storage, and If I recall correctly at lest with Zotero you can set up your own server if you want.

The only thing they wouldn't fulfill from your desiderata are being CSV-like, I guess, though I think they have some way of exporting everything into text format. (And I don't think this would be needed in any case, built in search and features are pretty good.)