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joined 2022 September 05 04:29:22 UTC


User ID: 437



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 04:29:22 UTC


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User ID: 437

It's either Springsteen or Dylan. I wish I could find the effort to write more, but it's been a long week and like on a typical Friday I just want to take a shower and chill. But I think Like A Rolling Stone has forever gotten the nomination from the press because of how hard it sends the I-IV-V chorus, which is a direct throwback to foundational 50's tracks like Louie Louie and La Bamba, and it's anchoring the hit track of Dylan's musical amphetamine meltdown late 60's albums. Dylan on Hwy 61/B.O.B., and Springsteen on Born to Run, are like a lush pool at the end of roots rock, with professional bands and capable lyricists. So the best track I think would have to be a personal pick from one of those, I personally would go with Thunder Road. But really I'd go with Louie Louie by the sonics.