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User ID: 2891



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User ID: 2891

Not if they become highly affordable crime-ridden dysfunctional wrecks that no one wants to live in, which already exist. The chances of these being remotely safe in any kind of current-day city is virtually nonexistent at this point.

Essentially, they want all the valor that men get out of war, when valor was the tiniest concession that men received in return for putting up with pure horror and misery. Just without all the downsides.

There is a widespread conspiracy theory that black women are dying in great numbers during childbirth due to a lack of black doctors. Study after study claims that "black women more likely to survive childbirth with black doctors" and it's become a major talking point on the importance of things like affirmative action. Now it's the only way to save expectant black mothers. I don't think most people have thought about by what mechanism white doctors are supposedly killing black mothers, but it's enough to perpetually fuel the DEI push.

I agree with everything you've said. But there's another American tradition that comes into play. Surely you've heard of "reasonable doubt." In a case like this, there seems to be an awful lot of it. Case closed? Well, the idea that reasonable doubt ever gets the appeal that our foundations say it should is pretty laughable, but everything you've listed seems like clear cut reasonable doubt. It's not like this guy went out and sought someone to murder in something that looked like it could have been self-defense, and the risk vs reward of imprisoning someone wrongly as opposed to accidentally letting a nearly-self-defense-but-actually-murder-committer off the hook doesn't really favor a conviction.

My favorite was Hawaii, where they said "That doesn't vibe with our 'Aloha spirit' so we're going to ignore it." So, why are federal gun laws enforced in gun-friendly states?

To be fair, Half-Life at least revels in this. Gordon Freeman is a prisoner compelled to complete the narrative by the G-Man, rather than fulfilling the experience for no reason.

That said I can relate to your experience, there's something to be said of how trapped they make you feel taken at face value.

Where do you get the idea that adults' mothers are looked down upon in such a way? All around the world, men will literally kill people for insults directed at their mothers. There is a reason "Son of a bitch" is such a common insult. To denigrate a man's mother is worse than insulting himself, his siblings, or his father.

and then approve of similar white aspirations

Don't people tend to employ infinite "Appeal to +power" arguments in these cases? Well it's different for white people, because they hold the power, or so it would go.