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joined 2022 November 30 17:38:17 UTC


User ID: 1946



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 30 17:38:17 UTC


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User ID: 1946

As daunting a prospect as that yoga routine looks, it would probably be hugely beneficial. I spent the first 20 years of my life entirely sedentary and I am positive it has resulted in problems that I don't even know the full extent of. Have you tried it? Is it pretty brutal on someone who hasn't done yoga before, or is it manageable?

I did a couple very slow squats with a lot of attention paid to my form and it's possible I was doing these. I'll focus on it next workout - I think I start off well and then my form degrades as I get tired.

Thanks for the exercise recommendations, but I'm working with zero equipment and don't yet feel the need to add weight to my routines.

These squat variations all look great. I'll give them a shot, thanks.

I don't do any weighted exercises, all bodyweight. I'm at a low enough level of fitness that bodyweight is plenty with the right routine, and I'm more interested in calisthenics than hypertrophy.

A month and a half ago I started a new exercise routine and I've stuck with it longer and better than I ever have before in my life. However, I've noticed that squats cause me lower back pain. I have a pretty pronounced lumbar curve, and at a glance I might have mild lordosis. I tried focusing on making sure my core was tight while squatting and that seemed to improve it, but only slightly. I'm 25, work in retail and use good posture when lifting. Most of my leisure time is spent at a computer. I get 8 hours of sleep a night, usually sleeping on my side or back. I'm 5'7", 137 lbs. My diet is mediocre - I stay away from chips, soda, fried foods, and hydrogenated oils but have a mild protein bar addiction, drink an average of 2 alcoholic drinks a day, and have too many simple carbs. Does the motte have any idea how to fix the back pain, or failing that, any good leg workouts that don't use squats?