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joined 2023 June 07 21:16:23 UTC


User ID: 2463



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User ID: 2463

I agree. Equal treatment under the law for everyone. If a politician or other powerful person breaks the law, they should be prosecuted just the same as you or I would be. And punished to the same degree as anyone else. For speeding, jaywalking or littering -- the examples you cite -- that means they get to pay a ticket, not be locked up in jail. And both cops and prosecutors regularly overlook that sort of conduct because it's just not damaging enough to be worth going after.

What you seem to be suggesting is that politicians of an opposition party should be subject to a more draconian enforcement and punishment, because you dislike their political stance. That's not equal justice under law.

It's already been done. Biden and Pence both initiated their own searches for classified documents. Presumably they wanted to make sure their hands were clean after seeing the way Trump stonewalled the NARA request / subpoena / FBI searches. Both Biden and Pence found documents. They both contacted the feds and asked them to please come get the docs. There are no search warrants for Biden or Pence because both willingly allowed the government to come in and search. No warrant is required for a search where consent is given.