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User ID: 308



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User ID: 308

The poor conditions in their home communities were also the fault of the Canadian government, so relative rates aren't a very convincing argument.

EDIT: Nevermind, I've fallen for the narrative. Death rates at residential schools reached acceptable mortality rates by 1949 (Source Canada’s Residential Schools: Missing Children and Unmarked Burials (PDF), p17, from this website).

(As a sidenote, my thought process was "Why the downvotes? Motteposters are usually smarter than that. I'll show them with FACTS and LOGIC." lol.)

How far do you have to walk to touch grass? If it's less than half a block, it's suburban IMO.

What are you talking about? Do you think that they were hopping in a time machine to get to their "home" in the 1860s when they were attending school in the 1960s?

Of course the conditions improved in a hundred years. You've correctly identified that it's simply ludicrous to deny that, but I'm not sure why you felt it was relevant.

In fact, let's imagine an alternate history: Colonization, settlement, and the Treaties happen like normal, but then the native population gets locked in and experiences zero changes in welfare/wealth/happiness/etc. from the pre-contact baseline. Would you think "Wow, the Federal Government is doing a great job. We haven't worsened their nasty, brutish, and short lives at all!"?

Maintaining the status quo doesn't meet my standards, and neither do the (frankly huge) improvements we have done in reality. This goes double when you cast your eye back a few decades.

You don't think that the conditions on reserves are the responsibility of the Federal government, or you don't think that they were bad, or what?

How familiar are you with Canadian history?


Why would I engage with the horrors of pre-modern life? Residential schools were only shutting down around the 1960s, so it's appropriate to judge them based on contemporary standards.

You just need to accept that program state and file state do not need to be correlated.

Or I could continue to tilt at windmills.

I just have an odd feeling that, when you're using a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get style editor, when you see something you should also get it.

Not sure why it’s not working for me.

Try it while logged out (or in a private window). Reddit's blocking functionality is a bit strange.

I am going to die in this game-like dimension has one of the most unique worlds I've seen, even if the plot is kind of generic. It was written by a physics teacher, and it has entirely new physics: gravity pulls you to the nearest surface, cold is just as real as heat, your lungs process lavi and oxygen doesn't exist, and my personal favourite: "Did you think I was speaking English all this time?".

Generally, the differences from earthly physics show up in a controlled scenario (such as training), then surprisingly they also show up in real situations working exactly the same way. Like, wall-running past a pit is fine because the nonexistent floor doesn't pull you down, but surely falling out of a huge tree wouldn't let you

(linebreak for formatting only) "fall" to the trunk instead of the ground and save yourself.


##[href^="https://substack.com/profile"] > .profile-img-wrap

It also shifts the comments rightwards to use up that space

I like that idea for luminous intensity. The other option would be a number of photons, but I'm not sure how well that would work out.

For temperature, absolute zero (-273.15 C) is 0, freezing (0 C) is 100, room temperature (20 C) is about 107, and boiling (100 C) is about 136 (depending on elevation).

most Americans would be squicked out and there's literally no one pushing for it...Every politician who voted for that would be saying goodbye to their career and personal life.

Why? Every argument I can think of comes down to "because they don't believe sex work is real work", and the same arguments that would convince the Department of Labor and the Department of Justice would convince the Department of Corrections (and/or the voters upstream of those organizations).

I'm aware that the previous paragraph sounds like "without God, Atheists have nothing stopping them from murdering everyone!!!", but I literally don't see the limiting principle (assuming there is one).

OP mentioned him getting a standing ovation

Oddly, that article (link again) never actually says who was arrested. If you read through word-by-word, all you can say is:

  • Petgrave's skate slit the throat of Adam Johnson.
  • Johnson suffered a fatal injury to his neck.
  • A man has now been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter over Johnson's death

Who could that man possibly be?? Any conclusion you could reach would just be wild speculation and couldn't be attributed to the Sun in any way, shape, or form.

Okay? 62% Christian - 46% YEC = 16% Christian nonYEC (very very roughly).

I didn't expect that to be a smaller subset of Americans and I'm still not confident in the calculation, but filter bubbles are salient because they break your intuition.

One of the internal websites at my company only supports Chrome. Not "Chromium-based browsers" like Edge, just Chrome. IIRC, it was an effort to reduce development challenges, and getting 100% of employees to install a program is easier than building something with compatibility in mind.

Given the fact that User Agent switcher addons exist, I suspect that that practice has been increasing and will continue to increase in the future. There's not much point in having multiple browser engines competing if only one is allowed to access the websites you want without (the mildest forms of) "hacking".

I wonder if there are more ways I can take on "writing obligations."

There's an opportunity just a few threads down from here: https://www.themotte.org/post/659/the-motte-moddes-highspace-september-2023

This might even be doable purely as a client-side bit of JS.

You can ctrl-F for "new" right now. Its only failures are for deeply-nested comments and if someone (like me, right now) includes that string in the body of their comment.

Multiple spoilers on one line are broken.

If you have first spoiler|| and ||second spoiler, then it splits it into multiple lines on the comment preview, but merges all of the spoilers in the real comment.

I do not think 'enabling someone to accuse a 5 year old of sexual harassment' is a problem the median therapist has.

I think that's the wrong standard. It's a problem that one therapist that hasn't been stripped of their license has, and that's concerning enough on its own. Given that this story comes from a relatively small pool (compared to swarms of journalists searching the entire nation for one example to prop up their story), I'd guess that there's more than one.

Any decent self-regulating professional body would immediately (or possibly preemptively) distance themselves from charlatans like that. And yet, there they are.

It's visible now, but yes, it was filtered when I commented.

It was Notepad. I'm comfortable with the synecdoche, but could have been clearer.

clearly marked as unsaved!

Are we using the same program? I can't imagine anyone calling a small grey dot "clearly marked", never mind "clearly marked as...".

For reference, the only visual difference between a saved file and an unsaved one is that the "close tab" location goes from [ ]/[X] to [•]/[X]. If your mouse is hovering over the X then there's no difference.

...but 600 IU is, to put it bluntly, fucking useless.

Dosing confusion is frustratingly common. Do you know how hard it is to cut a 5 mg melatonin pill into 16ths so you get the right amount?

(Reposting post-reboot):

(from the leadup to papardus's comment)

No matter how many epicycles go into justifying the position and adding layers of nuance to it, there has to be some point where you take a step back and notice that the only thing they care about is vilifying racial minorities, blaming all of our problems on them, and advocating for policies against them. There has to be a word for that position regardless of the aesthetics that it is cloaked in.

Well said, and I wish I shared your optimism. Unfortunately, the English language doesn't care about what "has to be".

Heading off to a calmer front of the Culture War, it would also be nice if there was a word for a fictional character that is confident, driven, and in charge of their own decisions. Unfortunately, attempts at describing that sort of person get misinterpreted as lifting heavy weights and punching really hard.

The problems with "strong characters" are magnified a hundredfold with "racist". I've largely given up on using both of those terms because they do not enlighten the listener as to which claims I'm making.

Do you truly, really believe that there should be no legitimate way to ever have that conversation [about racial bias] at all?

Quite the opposite: If elected to the position of Language Czar, I promise to simplify and enable those conversations by creating a single word that unambiguously and specifically refers to those people. This will fix a glaring oversight where cross-burning KKK members are given the same label as people who get high scores on implicit association tests.

What, roughly, do I think the word “racism” means? Not just what does it not include, what should it definitely include?

To a first approximation, I don't. That's the entire problem. Toss it on the euphemism treadmill (dysphemism treadmill?) and let it sit in the dustbin of history.

imagine if I argued “right-wing people have abused the term free speech into complete meaninglessness because almost all of them invoke the first amendment in response to private actors criticizing them or banning them from a forum etc”. You can’t really deny that a large number of people actually do this all the time, but this is a terrible comment, right?

Oddly enough, I don't think you would have the opportunity here.

Take this comment, posted today. It's about someone being fired for making political statements, but the phrases "free speech" and "freedom of speech" don't show up in any of the 20 comments currently in that thread.

If you did find an appropriate target, then go for it. I'm sure someone would clarify which principles were at issue, and if necessary expand on why they are worth defending (or defying).

More "rationality competence is systematized winning".

If a protest's goal is to get people to show up and raise the profile of an issue, then your comment only focused on the participants and not on what effect they have on the wider world. I'm not fully convinced that conservatives are worse at effective outreach given the loss of prestige of the mainstream media, but those (alleged) failures can't be dismissed by pointing to the challenges they face.

Related to @DuplexFields below, if you could create a system of weights and measures that would be used worldwide, what would you do?

The SI system is pretty good (and a vast improvement over the mishmash of units that they replaced), but IMO there's still room for improvement. The "kilo"gram is the most obvious failure with its extraneous prefix, a change of one Kelvin is too small to detect unaided unlike one second, meter, or kilogram, and the ampere and mole are just weird numbers.

My proposed system would keep water as the informal reference material, as well as the second. Everything else would change to match the new discoveries in the last ~150 years: I would keep the rotation of the Earth, the mass of an atom, and the density and freezing point of water, but replace the circumference of the earth, the force produced by electromagnetism, and the boiling point of water with absolute zero and the elementary charge as follows:

Dimension Value Original Metric Derivation
New Derivation
Time 1 s 1/(24 * 60 * 60) day No change
Length 2.71 cm 1/(40000000) circumference of Earth A 1x1x1 cube of water masses 1
Mass 19.93 g Water has density 1000 kg/m^3 10^24 carbon-12 atoms has mass of 12
Electric Current 160.3 mA Magnetic force between wires 10^18 elementary charges per second
Temperature 2.7316 K 100 degrees freezing-boiling
0 is 0, freezing is 100
Amount 1 Atoms per gram None
luminous intensity ?? Whatever.

Do you have any improvements to the metric system you can think of? Any other changes you'd like made?