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joined 2023 January 16 12:18:41 UTC


User ID: 2089



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 16 12:18:41 UTC


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User ID: 2089

Do cops have a database of every serial number? How?

The version you are thinking of is a rather obvious photoshop of the original.

Diversity and Equity consultant, Human Resources officer, Climate Change Impact consultant, the list could go on...

talking about the Russian concept of 'Vranyo' (враньё). This is a pattern of lying where various parties are aware that the lying is taking place and for what purpose.

No, "враньё" just means "lying". Source: am a native speaker. There is no some special esoteric concept here that would require the reader to posses a deep familiarity with Orthodox mysticism and ideology of the "Narodnaya Volya" movement, it looks like the analyst is reifying a generic pattern common to any low trust society. Reminds me of those endless "The Japanese concept of..." articles journalists produce when there's a slow news week.