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joined 2023 January 16 12:18:41 UTC


User ID: 2089



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 16 12:18:41 UTC


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User ID: 2089

Diversity and Equity consultant, Human Resources officer, Climate Change Impact consultant, the list could go on...

Do cops have a database of every serial number? How?

The version you are thinking of is a rather obvious photoshop of the original.

talking about the Russian concept of 'Vranyo' (враньё). This is a pattern of lying where various parties are aware that the lying is taking place and for what purpose.

No, "враньё" just means "lying". Source: am a native speaker. There is no some special esoteric concept here that would require the reader to posses a deep familiarity with Orthodox mysticism and ideology of the "Narodnaya Volya" movement, it looks like the analyst is reifying a generic pattern common to any low trust society. Reminds me of those endless "The Japanese concept of..." articles journalists produce when there's a slow news week.