@war's banner p


huh yeah

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joined 2022 September 08 15:50:37 UTC


User ID: 1020


huh yeah

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User ID: 1020

The Sniper Elite games might also be worth looking into if you haven't already.

Personally, I would make a big distinction between what you're "forced" to read and what you're "forced" to write.

Sure, there is a certain symmetry in that everyone on here might have to read things they disagree with, that's a big part of the project. But I would claim there's a big asymmetry in favor of side A of an issue if only side B has to write around that issue by choosing to either say things they believe to be false or engage in contortionism. Especially when it involves something as hard to avoid as an entire word class.

I assume you'll still be willing to accept some write-asymmetries to encourage a side that is underrepresented on this particular site to come here and engage, which might be a good idea overall, but I just wanted to make this read/write distinction very explicit.

Overall though, I want to end this on a less critical note and second HelmedHorror's comment that you do a very good job keeping this ship afloat.

A bit rambly, but I wanted to take it beyond race swapping to bring up what I feel is the elephant in the room, copyright.

Adaptations are not made equal. I think it's worth drawing a line between third party adaptations, and the copyright holders rubber stamping an iteration of their Brand for Current Year. Most of the complaints I see are about the second kind, new iterations from the same corp.

I find it especially understandable for people to loudly complain about adaptations they dislike for one reason or another for characters that are "ongoing" with a lot of entries in the franchise like Superman, because changes tend to bleed forward. Even if it's a reboot or whatever, I'd say that changes for a character constantly 'in print' by the same publisher are a little bit closer to changes done in the middle of a TV series than it is to someone else coming along hundreds of years later and copying the good bits from an old and complete story.

Complaints about a Dracula movie will tend to take the form of "This particular movie is bad", complaints about entries in long running copyrighted franchises tend to come with annoyance that a version that audience member liked didn't get made, and anxieties for the future of the franchise in the audience's lifetime. Let's take Bob, he likes James Bond but doesn't like Daniel Craig. As long as Daniel Craig was James Bond that means Bob's favorite actor does not get to be, other companies are NOT free to take up the reins and make a James Bond adaptation with Bob's favorite actor. They can make other spy things but to remain in the legal clear, they would be forced to change other elements that Bob does not want changed.

Another angle is the fear of George Lucasing/memoryholing of old versions, which is also much less of an issue for old public domain stuff anyone can legally print an infinite amount of copies of.

(still is?)

As I understand it, after the movies they introduced a character who conveniently looks a lot more like Sam Jackson to the main universe as well, old Nick's long lost son, who can now conveniently be called Nick Fury Jr.

So I think he has been replaced in a sense, but in a way that's pretty standard for these soap opera wrestling funnybooks, with identities constantly being passed around, old characters being sent to The Offscreen Zone etc.

it's very common that I'm the only non-Asian when I'm on train cars or at restaurants but it never feels like it's the case 98% of the time

Keep in mind, if you're looking at a room of let's say ten randomly selected people, you've rolled the gaijin spotting dice ten times, not just once.

0.98 to the power of 10 = about 82% probability of not seeing a gaijin ten times in a row.

Maybe tangent to your main point but I believe current Swedish law agrees with you and neither of your two examples (felparkering, fylleri) are criminal (brottslighet) in and of itself. IANASL