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User ID: 1916



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User ID: 1916

i feel like calling it The Synagogue would’ve been a little too on the nose lol

almost makes me feel sympathy for the kid. it’s not easy to grow up in the shadow of such a distinguished father

do you have any evidence for these assertions or are you using the female style of communication right now?

i thought the newsworthy part was supposed to be that his grandfather was a member of the California state assembly, not just that he was a republican.

the non-binary part doesn’t seem that weird to me. Lots of kids that age identify that way these days, and it’s not like it really entails much beyond claiming the label. any links to the dad’s porn?

how would the parents know what you were wearing at the orgy?

The difference between being killed, and being thrown away in a tiny cell for your whole life, is vanishingly small

yeah but if you’ve been wrongfully convicted that difference starts to feel pretty big. exoneration doesn’t do me much good if i’m already dead. personally i don’t think the death penalty is really “worth it” regardless. summary execution is a different story, that’s a pretty good deterrent imo. not really how i think the state should be operating though, it’s unbecoming. leave that sort of thing to the street gangs

is that even a legally sound defense strategy? seems more like something he came up with himself

That isn’t usually framed in terms of “oooh it makes me feel less safe”

sure it is. how else would you even frame it? the impression i get from right-wingers who support “tough-on-crime” policies is that their desired outcome is to make things safer.

not successfully at least

1x fry stick

2-3x 12 oz. lager

everyday. perfect crossfade. the Texan’s natural state of mind

There’ll be a rape accusation within six months

did Elon Musk rape someone?

teaching young women how to pick mates in teen years

don’t they already know how to do that? or are they picking the wrong ones

i think that “kids should learn about sex from the internet and whatever weird porn their parents have laying around the house” also sounds in the general ballpark of groomer for me

i feel like the reason it was popular to argue those things was because at the time it seemed like the broad consensus was that the threat of terrorism was a big deal and that the Iraq war was justified because of it. i don’t really hear those arguments much anymore cause there’s not as many people to argue about it with, but the argument described in the OP seems like it follows the same underlying logic

There’s plenty of arguments against it, but ‘it’s not the sort of things states do’ is just not one of them.

who are you quoting? cause i didnt say anything like that

i still think mere identification is sufficient. it’s more of a subjective disposition than anything, so if he says he’s nonbinary i’ll take him at his word. not like i have any way of corroborating it beyond that.

it’d probably be better just to have some sort of eunuch caste that’s responsible for mentoring kids, that way you don’t have to worry about any of this shit in the first place.

how do you mean

i think i was exposed to my fair share of sexualized adult entertainment as a kid. lots of cheerleaders, dancers, shit like that, not much different from what you’d see at an establishment like Hooters.
