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joined 2022 November 09 06:18:01 UTC


User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

I think you severely underestimate how much American conservatives despise the administrative state. See things like the REINS (sp) ACT.

Personally I think simple rules for a complex world (shout out to Prof Epstein) is probably the right path.

Especially given that insurrection would seemingly be informed by the civil war

Trump would move his official residence back to NY

Smith won’t be able to do that in time.

You have two relatively popular senators in Florida.

He could also go into the private sector and try to make a bunch of money.

And him dropping out now shows that he isn’t reflexively anti trump. Sure he thought he would make a better president but when it was obvious it wasn’t happening he backed Trump and didn’t prolong a primary fight for vanity reasons or to take advantage of Trump’s legal problems.

Agreed Haley is a walking dead woman unless someone Trump gets kicked off the ballot.

I think it is 7-2 with Kagan siding with the conservatives

You have a problem with war in that case. That is, you can’t attack Gaza effectively without the collateral consequences.

I go back to “don’t start nothing won’t be nothing.”

DJT Jr recently mentioned RDS as a VP pick. If the Trump folks think RDS dropping out today helps Trump in NH (and SC), then VP slot may have been the consideration.

Harris called Biden a racist. Memories can be short in politics.

History isn’t about creating get out of jail free cards. But it is a useful barometer for “what is normal” and what is “abnormal.”

By historical standards what is happening in Gaza is not abnormal nor is it a genocide.

And I think unequivocally the answer is “no.” One might think the fire bombing or the nukes were bad, but not all bad things in a particular category is the “worst” thing in that category (I don’t think that’s the point you are making to be clear).

Did the US genocide Iraq?

Genocide is now like fascist— a slur that doesn’t really mean anything outside of “I don’t like X.” By any reasonable standard, Russia is not committing genocide. Ditto Israel.

Now that doesn’t mean complaints about civilian causalities are necessarily wrong. But seems to me the real complaint is about war per se.

Seems to me it is just racism. Compare Floyd and Timpa. If colors of Perry and/or Neely were different, this isn’t a story.

I’m in NJ but happy to take a short flight or slightly long drive

My point is not yet — the more people know about Haley the more Never Nikki republicans will become.

I’d vote down ballot but I wouldn’t vote for Haley. She is a bad joke

In addition to the response by @BahRamYou if everyone started believing that way then I’d vote since it would matter.

DeSantis proved to be a very effective governor. I suspect that if you really wanted to roll back the admin state, he’s your man.

There is the choice of simply not voting.

I doubt Haley with full exposure would win. She would get some points with independents but lose more with the base. Her unfavorables amongst republicans are getting higher and higher.

I’m a sucker for my kids so we’ve made a few trips to the house of Mouse. Could’ve used the amount spent to buy a nice car….but we did have a great time.

Maybe (though it’s really been more than a few months). We shall see. Perhaps it is merely copium.

My hope is perhaps the technology is overhyped. Given the apparent change in just a few months about six months ago, I was expecting even bigger changes by now. Here’s hoping there is some kind of difficult technical issue.

Looking to go on a four day vacation in February with small kids (in the states with a focus on east coast). Any suggestions?