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User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

If Palestine is from the river to the sea that means Israel does not exist. Now does it mean the necessary genocide of Israelis? No but in practice it will

I guess the only thing I’d say is that Bari seemed to be heading in the right direction even prior to the Hamas terrorism. It wasn’t so much “I can’t believe the leopards would eat my face” as someone who was changing.

  1. On balance Russia is wrong. But the cartoon cut out of “Russia bad” is over the top.

  2. There was on-going anti Russian people attacks in the Donbas. If there were a community of Americans living in Mexico that came under attack I imagine Uncle Sam might have something to say.

  3. The 2014 coup and Ukraine buddying up to Nato suggests Ukraine was in some sense threatening Russia’s interests (the same way the US flipped out re Cuba and the USSR and the same way the US will flip out over PRC and Cuba).

  4. Now I do think these issues, while influencing Russia, were not the principal reasons behind the Russian war (ie imperialism). So on balance I think Russia is the bad actor. But it isn’t the carton some people pretend.

Hunter seems to pay for a lot of his dad’s expenses. This would be a way to funnel money to his dad without reporting it. Of course, that means Joe also committed tax fraud. So perhaps another thing to impeach him over if true.

You have a problem with war in that case. That is, you can’t attack Gaza effectively without the collateral consequences.

I go back to “don’t start nothing won’t be nothing.”

The question for those who eschew HBD is how do you deal with the systemic racism arguments? I guess you can say culture.

I think it is an abusive of language; both to try to change the way we think about something and to make words ugly. I hate the new speak.

There are two explanations: Jews are better or Jews have some weird conspiracy power.

I do think the bigger objection is the number of blacks (that appears political and not merit).

None of what you provided is close to evidence of any of your claims.

A civilization that parades around naked dead corpses of young woman civilians is a civilization that doesn’t deserve civil rights. Level up from your barbarism and sure, I can get behind that. Note there are Arab states — even if not western — that deserve civil rights.

The American stockpile is depleted because the Biden administration didn’t want to lose an election.

You basically said the right should abandon their libertarian ethos.

I’m saying “before you do that, perhaps live up to it by eliminating subsidies.”

This is of course a conservative approach. Incremental change and see if it solves the problem.

That’s a lot of words undermined by your first sentence. My whole point is “this war is categorically different from what happened in cold war proxy wars” and you confirmed in the first paragraph that I am correct.

You can’t say on one hand the Cold War established when nuclear weapons would be used and we haven’t reached that point while on the other hand acknowledge this situation never occurred during the Cold War.

Finally, my scenario hasn’t been falsified. My position is that if Russia was seriously threatened in Crimea or Moscow, Russia May use nukes which creates a spiral. Since the only way Ukraine could possibly threaten Russia this way is with our support, you just have your causal mechanism.

Finally, one need not find this example compelling to be worried about an existential threat. Let’s say there is a 5% chance. That is clearly a valid concern when giving weapons to Ukraine

Private property is natural — something that pretty much everyone naturally intuits and we still see in places with very weak governments. The question that arises is how best to protect property from asocial actors / clarify rights to enable change.

Government defense and clarification of property rights doesn’t mean the underlying property springs from the barrel of a gun. But it is a heavy kaldor hicks improvement.

All the pieces fit. You just don’t have the final cornerstone that connects it beyond any doubt.

Edit: there’s actually testimony from multiple business parties.

Why is it sacrificing the balkans? You could while Ukraine was being invaded move a bunch of military installations into the Balkans so that if Russia expanded (questionable whether they would) they wouldn’t be facing a group trying to get it together but a group that is already together.

Seems to me to your post is the marshmallow test. Being a parent is hard for the first 5 or so years (but is also full of joy). The older the kids get the easier it is and you get the rich life of being a parent and hopefully a grandparent.

Wikipedia is far from a trusted source especially on politically relevant topics. So nope won’t read it. I’ve read enough to understand the Donbas is complex and yes there were anti Russian actions occurring. Again doesn’t make Russia correct but it complies the narrative.

As for the 2014 coup, I think most people are aware. Just because you like the freedom fighters doesn’t mean it isn’t a coup. Moreover, a cursory understanding of how the cia historically operated means any degree of uprising that “supports” globalhomo is in part astroturfed.

Yes and hopefully it goes back to that (ie maybe there was a correlation between limited franchise and limited government)

Yeah. Normal productive people don’t find themselves in three situations where even one is BS.

Under democrat rules. Interview will be different if under Republican.

I’m a parent of small kids. So we go to the pediatrician and it is very easy. No fuss. Don’t know why anyone would complain about that.

X believes Y implies Z. Of course, their belief is batshit insane. So if A is Y, then yes to X that is evidence of Z. But the problem isn’t A; it is X having an idiot view.

You are citing to a laughable post encouraging straight up fraud. Often, the IRS doesn’t jail people. They do when the conduct is frequent and knowingly. The person in the post you cite will probably go to jail (if that person is even real). People like Hunter (whose CPA is basically saying “woah dude” go to jail for a long time.

It’s been highly effective in getting people like Biden calling for a cease fire that heavily benefits Hamas.

Resisting is talking about after the war; not during.