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User ID: 1827



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User ID: 1827

I take polling this early with a grain of salt. Check back in a few months.

With that said, I don’t get the phony accusation. DeSantis in Florida did things that were not at the time establishment politics (even if the establishment came around to that position afterwards).

That’s like saying “we only care about winning the war; we don’t care about winning the war of bullets.” You can’t win the former without winning the latter.

Well Trump has at most 4 years. DeSantis has up to 8 potential years. That’s markedly different in a feud.

Yes how could a candidate win without just getting softballs from the media. Wait, every single democrat successful presidential candidate from recent memory.

Also it’s far from obvious the “anti woke” stuff doesn’t play with independents. Most people for example don’t like elementary kids having porn in the school library. Taking a stand against that historically would be an easy win for a politician. My guess is we aren’t so degenerate that it still is an easy win.

I’m not suggesting doing only policy. That is pointless. But you can’t eschew policy either.

There are a lot of things relatively dumb people can do and make decent livings.

I loathe the CRA. Of course, I hate most acts one Congress but that one is particular loathsome, especially when common carrier solved most truly problematic issues of Jim Crow south.

Yes but ones priors should start with the idea that the population that is generally more violent is…more violent.

I think it is. Ore than just left coded culture. It is suggesting a culture that is contrary to how a normal person wants to live. Most men want to bang chicks; not suck dicks.

I agree the Chinese government is abhorrent but what makes them so much worse compared to the UK government? That is, sure China is worse but the UK government also sucks.

Presumably you mean in America. Certainly true. Blacks were slaves.

The question though when blacks weren’t slaves who was more likely to be violent.

First, I don’t really value democracy qua democracy. Second, the point isn’t just affirmative action (which is wrong) but actual dislike and disgust toward whites and specifically white males. That hatred will eventually lead to big problems for white males.

So while China sucks, strategical strengthening an enemy may in fact be beneficial. Granted, I wouldn’t strengthen since it believes in Han superiority. But the basic concept of strengthening the enemy of a regime that despises you isn’t a crazy idea.

Things happen slowly; then suddenly. The whole reason why PRC treats its minorities poorly is Han supremacist world view. That isn’t that different compared to the view that white men are less than (ie everyone else is superior).

So right now being a who’re person in England ain’t the worst thing. But right now is slowly. We may see suddenly soon (or we may not).

When you are on your third PM since the last election there is a real question of democratic legitimacy for their current administration.

With that said, I think there are a lot more complaints about the British system compared to the above (eg lack of freedom of speech).

Because generally speaking when people voted Tory they were voting for Boris. At a certain point, the ruling regime is so far from what people voted for it would be appropriate to call for a new election.

The only reason Tory’s don’t is because they’d lose.

Oh I noted that China believes in Han superiority. I don’t doubt the PRC loathe whites. And I wouldn’t buddy up with the PRC. My point is that buddying up with the enemy of the UK may not be a bad idea.

Reading the relevant emails posted in the first link.

But that also isn’t really the question. The question is who was more likely to be violent. Your stat doesn’t answer the question.

Actually, it sorta does. It shows people were in positions of power and felt comfortable using this kind of language.

Could also point to other comments (eg SNP leadership)

That’s not quite the same but somewhat equivalent to saying “i voted for electoral college electors.” Everyone knew that if the Torys won, Boris was PM.

Of course, that assumes discrimination is a result of positive in group prejudice or a result of history with minorities. That is, you stole a base.

Eugenics was also a progressive belief. We don’t remember progressive failures because progressives manage to relabel them as “right wing”.

Twitter didn’t generate much previously but it was also overly bloated and hadn’t thought through different ways of monetizing user base. Curious if now it is (or will become) profitable.

The physics argument is also wrong. It would be akin to saying that a chain link fence can stop a mosquito. Once we understood that aerosol transmission was how covid spread and not droplets the logic for masking was over.

Also, masking was not low cost but high cost. It retarded development in kids, caused psychological issues for all who wore them (ie reinforced the idea one should panic), and seemed to create build up of CO2.

It is also funny because masks have been studied in a lot of other situations and they routinely don’t demonstrate efficacy. Thus the prior should’ve heavily been “masks don’t work.”

For what it is worth, Alex is also right a decent amount of the time. He is also bat shit crazy some of the time. More importantly he is always entertaining. If you think of Alex as a court jester who occasionally tells truth but often is just a crazy clown, then he is a fine chap