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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

This is where fathers (and to a lesser extent brothers and uncles) are supposed to provide that safety net. I need to be wealthy enough to take care of my girls if they get into a bad situation with a future husband.

I think the argument is that it increases overall utility; not money. So whilst kaldor hicks efficient it may be hard to compensate the losers with a tax on the winners if there is less pecuniary wealth.

I read him to mean older mothers are likely to have less intelligent kids because egg and sperm quality degrades as humans age. Not sure if it is true though it seems plausible. I’m not sure I would really trust the science here since the result is clearly politically salient.

The honest rhetoric is “you don’t want a bunch of poors (largely black) underclass to move into your neighborhood making it crime ridden, destroying the schools, and crushing property values.”

That is different from “my home value decreased a little because there is more inventory because there is more building.”

The first thing is a catastrophe as it kills your investment and lifestyle. The second is a minor nuisance that on balance may be positive to you.

I don’t think that’s a fair statement if the belligerents here.

One can support exclusionary zoning and still make building easier compared to the status quo ante (there are a million ways to cut red tape besides allowing multiple family building in single family zones — some of them are indirect). Also one can support ending exclusionary zoning without making building easier (eg 80% of units must be affordable).

Not sure which way it all cuts.

Young white men vote trump.

Isn’t the answer “the people voting are different than the displaced people?”

The influencer looked hot. Didn’t mind it. I’m sure the Irish didn’t mind it either….

The saga era Iceland didn’t really have a sovereign and it wasn’t super dystopian for the era

I think Hobbes is wrong. Most of the time most people are like hobbits. State of war is the oddity; not the normal.

I would say it is upwards of 50% in commercials. And then forget the pairings, just generally there won’t be a white man in a commercial.

Personally when something is that frequently out of whack it goes beyond “natural” to something else.

And yes, I see it way more in commercials compared to other media.

In my experience, women conflate SA with rape claims whilst expanding SA to many things that are very far from rape. Further women obviously are not interested in applying skepticism (generally) to another woman’s claim of rape. No 3 sounds like someone who has internalized bad stats.

In war, aren’t you selecting for people who are already murdering people? War is different from just the state of nature.

Watch an NFL game this fall. Watch each commercial. If there is a couple, do the same analysis. I’d wager that the interracial coupling far outstrips the base rate.

Let’s say you have 50 dollars. Let’s say investor X has 30 dollars but can borrow 70 at 5% interest rate.

You both invest and get a twenty percent return over two years.

You end up with 60 dollars. X ends up after paying off the debt 43 dollars. That’s over a 40% return on X’s 30 dollars.

Now of course X took on much more risk. The question in your fact pattern is how much risk are you taking on. if there is decent equity cushion in your home and given that the rate so low, the answer is “probably not that much risk.”

In American sports, you do have the ultra skill guys who can compete against the physical brutes. But skill is not enough and athleticism is not enough. Either one will only make you good. Greatness requires both.

And again I can’t stress the point of physicality enough. Physicality isn’t primarily about athleticism but it is hitting. Aggression.

It is said mostly in jest. But I think soccer is an inferior sport to say football or Hockey. It is less physical, less specialization, and less tools. And I think the reason people in the states love it isn’t intrinsic to the sport but because it is popular. I hate that.

Also there is something sad to the homogenization of all culture. Sports are part of culture

If you think AOC is prepared and say Chip Roy isn’t then I think you are just operating from a biased perspective.

Again, the sheer magnitude and location of Biden’s document location suggest a lot of “forgetting you put a candy bar in your pocket.” Some of those documents were documents you were supposed to only review in a clean room. Kind of hard to analogize that as “forgetting you put a candy bar in your pocket.”

Also this ignores Hillary who pretty clearly had the server to avoid FOIA and then destroyed the evidence under subpoena.

Finally, there seems to be some evidence that NARA and DOJ was trying to entrap Trump.

I suspect the dominant soccer audience are immigrants and progressives dying to be European

Yet another reason to eliminate immigration. Liking soccer is moral degeneracy. I say this only slightly in jest!

Interesting—didn’t realize that. Thanks!

I think Arizona V. US logic and preemption could be in play.

The transfer system is garbage. Really undermines college sports.

It is gaining in popularity in Germany. Also, the CFL does exist. It is also hard to overstate the popularity of football in the States.