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User ID: 2917



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User ID: 2917

Ehh we shall see. And those are proposals being put out by people close to Trump (eg Sacks).

These are the same reason types who got upset about mask bans when ignoring the giant thumb government had put on masking.

But this is my problem with Reason types—they never account for context. Yes, it would be bad if government routinely goes around punishing people for speech the government doesn’t like. But it would also be bad if the government routinely went around rewarding folks for speech the government likes.

So NBC, ABC, and CBS get billions of dollars free subsidies from the government. They were rewarded with this because it was thought broadcasting things like the news was in the public interest. But it has become obviously clear that those three organizations aren’t broadcasting the news but acting as an appendage of the DNC. Why should the government subsidize the speech of the DNC?

Take away the subsidy and let ABC, NBC, or CBS bid on the broadband. Use the money to pay down debt.

I don’t think the first amendment requires giving person A, B, and C a subsidy that isn’t given to anyone else. In fact, one could flip this on its head and say providing the subsidy is harming the freedom of speech rights of others (since relatively speaking their speech is more expensive)

Talking about fucking someone’s mom isn’t rape. It is about seducing.

They wrote articles before the switch about her terrible of a candidate she was including how vapid she was.

I think it is a fair critique that Harris ran to her right. The problem with running to her right was that it was fake. She didn’t assure moderates because she couldn’t explain why she switched on numerous positions (it felt fake). But her left wing was pissed because she ran from them.

But the same pollsters aren’t polling worldwide elections or generally local races.

Harris probably drinks every day

Wait you are saying there is a 1% chance he will die in the next 90 days? That seems unlikely

Well the point I am making is that the poll guys basically are non falsifiable since the samples are too small so I don’t give credence to their “I was right but sometimes you hit red on roulette” schtick

Is this sarcasm?

This is an evergreen response “my percentages were correct but sometimes things happen.” But I can buy it with the weather man (you make 365 predictions pa). But elections practically happen once every two years.

Yes. Don’t get me wrong. I love Ron DeSantis. But a trump loss meant RDS had a chance at the 2028 nomination. Now it seems like it is Vance’s for sure.

Betting markets > Silver

Oh the popcorn will be delicious when the tell alls start to leak from the Biden camp

Just wanted to point out the big losers of last night were:

  1. Harris
  2. DEI (with Harris being the epitome of the DEI candidate)
  3. Selzer
  4. Silver
  5. RDS (clearly the party will be JD’s after this term though I could obviously see RDS as a running mate)

The big winners:

  1. Vance (his star is ascending massively)
  2. Trump
  3. Betting markets (crushed the poll prognosticators)
  4. Elon

I think pulling out of Afghanistan was the right call. I think how they executed was terrible. They were managing to a sept 11 timeline. That’s dumb.

Starlink is going to be a worldwide telecomm company. Coupled with how cheap they are making it to put satellites into orbit, SpaceX will be worth trillions.

If they win the house, they could try to say he is an insurrectionist. But…in that case that would require some swing district Dems overriding the will of the people.

He had a grueling campaign (did more rallies compared to Harris). Dude is going to get some golf in and come back strong. But yes he is going to delegate.

Yeah I can’t believe Iowa went Harris. Oh wait no that poll was off what 15 points? I was told by many here that my pointed criticisms of that poll were merely politically motivated.

It just seems obvious to me — if A goes before B, then it gives B a chance to cheat

They could just make the next speaker Donald J Trump and avoid the resign point

This just seems like an odd argument for why it takes so long. Hire a few more people.

The more orthodox the more they vote for Trump