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User ID: 753



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User ID: 753

The sedevacantist group with ties to the mafia?

It's all Greek... er I mean Latin to me.

Yes, sedevacantist. He did go in to that, but not mafia, gonna have to look in to that one.

  1. a sedevacantist, particularly from out-there hardliners like the CMRI, would go there and 2) any regular Latin mass goer would find lots of open carry shocking.

And based on my culture waring these surprised me as well. I figured he'd hate a group like SPXX with almost more passion than the Holy See. Also I ribbed him about being surprised at open carry because his church is in an area of the country nationally famous for open carry. He said only like three guys in his congregation open carry. He's fresh moved there and is a Cali boy so I'm thinking he's still learning the ropes.

Gideon the Ninth tons of fun but Horrow was so bad. Nona is on the shelf... I hope Tamsyn Muir got good feed back on Horrow.

My hypothesis is that disagreement is not down to Dunbar’s number but down to a widespread suspicion that most economic theory is bunk.

Which stems from? That would be an actual response to OP's post.

My wife and I are third-generation alumni of the same evangelical school. That's probably the primary purpose of non-elite religious schools. My father pursued a degree and went on to manage restaurants, and her dad was a baker. Both were very successful in their careers, and one could argue that they could have achieved that without a degree. Nevertheless, they cherished the sense of community and connections they gained from the school, becoming leaders in it. While my parents covered my entire tuition, hers covered half. They both loved that school. Nowadays, it costs well over 100k for a mediocre education, and the administration seems to have forgotten that the main point was to find a life partner. Personally, I knew the reason I was going there - it was free - but I couldn't understand why other kids were plunging into debt and not even coming out with a spouse. The state school was much cheaper, and, in my opinion, the girls were more attractive.

Furthermore, from the perspective of many parents, the theology professors at this mediocre academic school seem to turn about a quarter of the students into atheists. So, what exactly is the niche that this school is trying to fill? As far as I know, institutions like Liberty and College of the Ozarks are doing just fine.

Random story time! This is one of the first times I've encountered SSPX since my brother-in-law's wedding. His cousin joined CMRI a few years ago and came down for a wedding. He attended an SSPX for the Latin mass and was shocked to see half the congregation openly carrying firearms. Our families are both very evangelical Protestant, and as a recent convert, he is fervent about informing us that we're all destined for hell. Personally, that's never bothered me much. I mean, why should I care if another religion thinks I'm going to hell? I certainly don't believe I'm heading there, at least not for the reasons they believe.

Of course, this caused some tension within the family. What stood out, even more, was when he admitted that if he had his way, the US would be a theocracy, and all other religions or denominations would be banned from public practice. I pointed out that after enjoying the freedom to practice and grow his religion under the Protestant commitment to religious freedom, he would then take that very right away from Protestants. It seemed like an odd thing for a lawyer not to have considered before.

Because he spoke heresy. And in fairness if Butker he wouldn't be a principled defender of free speech either.

I did a Scandinavia trip (every capital) this time last year and virtually the only mask I saw were on Americans and Asians. Was going to do the Helsinki to Stockholm boat but did Tallinn to Stockholm instead. Good time.

A bunch of us decided to get knocked up around the same time. We're thinking rotating date nights where we unload the kids on one couple. Though 6-9 months might be a little young for that.

Why no co-sleep? Suffocation or too dependent of a child? Any suggestion on a good carrier? Everyone around here is all about Baby Bjorn... $239.99, that is a plate carrier...

This is literally what my wife said today. "If breast feeding isn't working find me the Keurig formula thing"

Kid mitigates spalling so you can use uncoated metal plates.

Just like any tool there are situations where it can be effective and situations where it isn't. If your goal is getting true information the key is having ways to confirm the information then come back if the information was incorrect. Repeat. Another method is having multiple people with the same information, you then separate and torture them until their stories match.

how much of the heightened red tribe support for Israel

Is there heightened red tribe support? If anything it seems a little less with Tucker pulling some to America First. As you note evangelicals have been very pro Israel for decades.

Before I start let me preface with I love my wife, none of the following is malicious and I don't think these things are fully conscious. I do know women who are better at finances then their husbands. So people don't think she is a bum she came in to the relationship with about 200k of equity in a house, she brags to everyone how awesome I am with finances, she likes to help on major projects around the house or organize things while I'm working on the vehicles, and I would be 100% fine being the breadwinner if she decided to be a stay at home mom.

She struggles mentally keeping track of cash flows and balances. Mostly it's little things that aren't a big deal. Like when we were dating we went to Costco, spent about $100 dollars, and I had forgotten my wallet. While walking to the car she reminded me to transfer her half the bill. During that period in our relationship I had regularly covered full shopping runs and I had been picking up the tab of our weekly dates to the tune of $75-$100 a week. One time she saw the bill and was shocked that that's how much we'd been spending. A few months before I'd floated her $8k to get her into grad school before the student loans came in.

When we got married we agreed to combine finances but didn't close her bank account because there were some bills tied to it and so she could have some autonomy. The one time I put up some resistance was when she wanted a couple grand because she felt she'd spent thousands more than me on the wedding and transferring her a couple grand would be fair. This was hard for me because it meant I was going to have to dip in to the emergency fund for the first time in years. She suggested we make a spreadsheet only to find that I'd spent thousands more than her. She polished off her $20k inheritance before we got married because she wanted to have some fun before the wedding saying "it was her money" (I had never asked for justification or protested).

She recently suggested that we should follow Dave Ramsey and become debt free by paying off $60k in student loans from a couple failed attempts at graduate degrees by liquidating the emergency fund and the rest of the crypto, all of which I had accumulated before we started dating. She recently talked about how after kids she wants some cosmetic surgery. I remarked that was going to take awhile to save up for, and she said not to worry she'd save up the money. Apart from the inheritance her cash flow has been negative for years and I don't see how that's going to change. She has lamented how she is doing a disproportionate share of the housework, I told her to wait until I get home and I'll help. She doesn't like it being dirty in the 2 to 4 hour difference between when she gets off work and I get off work. I also leave for work an hour and a half before she does.

I am 95% confident that in 30 years I'll be happy I had as many healthy kids as possible. The issue is that we are in our mid 30's so time is on on our side. My brother in law wanted 6 then his second wrecked him and my sister (who is tough) so I'm 70% confident that I could push through 4 which I think is the max we could safely push to at our ages and handle the miseries that will come with having 3-4 young kids. I think it will mostly be on my wife. I'll need to take on a lot of responsibility and cut back on my frugal desires to keep her on board. I think I'd rather have more kids then a few extra hundred grand at retirement.

Thankfully we do, all 4 of them are within 30 minutes. She's been talking to our mom's quite a bit.

At the same time I think evangelicals are probably thinking "based trad cath" and I'm not sure how true this is across trad caths but for the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen cousin in the family he is a straight theocrat that what would violently suppress all other denominations if he could. If his beliefs were common among pre-Vatican II Catholics I can see why they were discriminated against.

A lot different but a husband would probably still have some explaining to to if a conservative wife fully understood what Aella is. Even more so if the first exposure was one of Alele's thirst posts. You're not getting a divorce over it but it's not going to be a fun conversation.

That the IDF released audio of Hamas operatives saying it was from Islamic Jihad, but the audio is clearly faked with bad Palestinian accents and crappy acting. Why do you think the IDF would release obviously doctored audio?

Pure hypothetical, say it is fake. Midwit PCM types? I see this all the time with lawyers, they throw everything including the kitchen sink. "Ok... that makes sense and that makes sense and that's pure bullshit." The court throws out the bullshit, but if it had snuck through instant win or padding the case.

Normal person: "You have established yourself as a liar, so I should toss out everything else you say."

Midwit lawyers/judges: "This is just a debate game, fair play."

Take this thread: https://twitter.com/Nrg8000/status/1714535497958334678

Vast majority is "definitely not Israel". Then... but why did they crop the crater out of the photos? The Crater it seems clearly too small.


Midwit bureaucrat: "Let's pad just how much our enemies it was."

Perhaps another example is the 40 beheaded babies. Maybe it's 2 babies beheaded a dozen killed but just needed to make the story a bit more tragic.

I actually agree. It's illegitimate for a group to do something that is not legitimate for an individual but as AshLael notes, that's a rare take.

Democrat intellectuals are completely unpalatable to the general public. They have to have plausible deniability when it comes to the Marxists who hate the United States and want to teach preschoolers sex-ed. The media can tell you not to believe your lying eyes when it comes to schools putting strap-on-sucking books in libraries, but a presidential candidate would be hard to run cover for.

Probably should have made it clearer. It's a different train of thought. Wife has gotten over the baby expensive things, but unfortunately is shifting to future expensive things.

We are a little older so we're looking to move as quick as possible. The real question is probably more what's too soon rather than too long, as long as fertility stay high, which wasn't a problem with this one.

This is funny, but seems pretty predictable. Even without "our parents went to the same med school" knowing her surname and profession there was probably never more than 30 minutes of phone calls for your parents being able to contact her parents. You knew her surname, she comes form a family of docs, of course your parents would be stoked. I agree with your dad, stop fucking around. Maybe you don't want to do it the traditional way but you should at least seriously pursue the relationship "western style" or cut it off if you're 0% interested. Don't waste her time.

hypocrisy with regards to crime.

Hypocrisy in using deadly force for a pure property crime?