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Transnational Thursday for May 23, 2024

Transnational Thursday is a thread for people to discuss international news, foreign policy or international relations history. Feel free as well to drop in with coverage of countries you’re interested in, talk about ongoing dynamics like the wars in Israel or Ukraine, or even just whatever you’re reading.

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And they're off. Rishi Sunak has called a (technically early) General Election in the UK, Polling Day is 4th July. Effortpost to follow. Feel free to post questions you want me to cover.

What does a Labour government mean for Britain? Genuinely curious.

Under the current Conservative government, the UK has had:

  1. Unprecedented mass immigration from MENA countries
  2. Orwellinian speech restrictions
  3. Covid tyranny

And it's not like the economy of Britain has been swimming along either, as the regulation state continues to choke whatever entrepreneurial spirit might be left.

What does being a "Conservative" in Britain even mean? And what does Labour offer the people that they are not already getting force fed with two hands by the Tories? Even more rainbow flags and mass immigration? Sometimes, I really am glad to live in America.

That is precisely why so many former Conservative voters are voting Reform. Conservatism just meant Blairism with right-wing rhetoric.

Labour will win, of course. My hope is that the Tories will see how many of their voters went to reform and will choose an actual conservative as their leader.

As for what Labour will do, Keir Starmer has been very careful to not reveal anything of what he actually believes. He'll mock the government for tripling immigration after promising to reduce it, but he won't say that reducing it is actually a good thing to do. He'll criticise the government for being unpatriotic, and then give a job to a woman who is most well known for mocking the national flag.

My hope is that he's a Lee Kwan Yew-style pragmatist. Hell, I'd settle for rainbow flags on every town hall if he makes it possible to actually build houses.