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Friday Fun Thread for October 21, 2022

Be advised; this thread is not for serious in depth discussion of weighty topics (we have a link for that), this thread is not for anything Culture War related. This thread is for Fun. You got jokes? Share 'em. You got silly questions? Ask 'em.

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But I'm curious to hear from others too; is anyone else as interested in it?

Yes. Even though, ironically, I never played Vicky 2 (CK2 -> EU4)

Part of that is just getting sucked into the community's endless memes about it. It's basically Dr Dre's Detox for strategy nerds, and that has an allure.

But part of it is just that I find the time period and mechanics interesting but absolutely loathe pre-CK2 Paradox's UI design so a Vicky III was the best case.

Does it seem worth it?

Not to preorder. Not to buy on launch day.

If the reviews are good and it's not buggy...yes. I've mostly had good experiences with even early CK2 and EU4.

It all depends on which Paradox we get. The "make a good enough game and then increment" or "make a hollow game and then increment". I don't mind waiting a few years if it's the latter.