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Culture War Roundup for the week of June 5, 2023

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You're arguing for sexuality as a special zone of inappropriate discussion in public

I'm not arguing for anything here, it's that it's the relevant dimension here, and the comparison to other secular festivals is different on this specific ground. To equate Pride with them, is a game of hide the pickle.

Break out the template by it's components, the "Holiday Festival" starter kit, from the inside out:

  1. The core concept

  2. The values, priorities and value-system embodied by the concept

  3. A particular instance, example, or memorial of the concept forming the holiday

  4. Pious observance of the holiday

  5. Secular celebration and festivities connected to or an outgrowth from the holiday

  6. 'Spicy', 'Adult', or 'inappropriate' takes on and circumstances of indulgence in the festivities.

Take Mardi-gras:

  1. Catholicism

  2. Catholic morality, esp. pray, fasting, and alms-giving

  3. The Beginning of Lent

  4. Shrove Tuesday traditions

  5. Mardi-Gras

  6. Drunken carousing, partying, sex, and nudity.

4th of July:

  1. America

  2. American Patriotism & Democracy

  3. The signing of the Declaration of Independence

  4. Patriotic Displays, memorials, Bank holiday, etc.

  5. Picnics, parades, fireworks, boating at the lake.

  6. Adult parties with booze, etc.

In both of these instances, (and many more), one might criticize the inappropriateness of them on account of 6, or be specifically upset by children being around too much 6. And, like you have done here, we can rebut that the adult themes in 6, are not central or even necessarily relevant to 1-5. Neither does partaking in or exposing kids to 5, imply any sort of approval or support for 6.

But this doesn't work with Pride because adult themes are central to #1 and #2. There is no instance of 4 or 5 that is divorced from themes of sex and sexuality or divorced from values of sexual liberalism.

And while some things in bucket 6 like boozing, nudity, or sleeping around are not central to PRIDE, they are not nearly so divorced or in contradiction with the core themes as in other holidays, secular and religious. Acceptance of sexual liberalism, breaking of taboos and social mores, and celebration of eroticism are a core component of PRIDE, not tacked on or in tension with.

While there are plenty of prude, chaste, and modest LGBT members, perhaps even most of them, PRIDE itself is not remotely about integrating same-sex into heteronormative forms of disgression.

Pride is about sex and is adult themed. You can accuse me of wanting to specially zone that out of public modesty, but it's the opposite, you need to defend PRIDE's special and unique inclusion of it, and comparisons to other, non-sexually themed holidays are a motte and baily.