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Ads are not bad; ads can be great

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I'm not fundamentally against advertising in some form. What I'm against is the form it naturally takes where rather than informing me their purpose is transparently to try and use every trick in the book to subvert my interest to push the maximum number of units at the highest price for the lowest cost. Advertising I'd actually like needs an adversarial component where some agent on my side aggressively curates the recommendations that I receive in a way that I can trust their objectivity. There are certain product reviewers in spaces like board and video games that I think achieve this but it's vitally important to their credibility, and they know this, that their revenue stream is never even suspected of crossing paths with the marketing departments of the products. What ads reddit pushes to me has nothing to do with whether purchasing the product advertised is a good idea for me and everything to do with how much the ad company paid to have the product pushed and thus it has no useful signal to me.