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Small-Scale Question Sunday for July 9, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

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How do you separate the right jewish thought that went into 'good science' and the false thought into superman?

It's not a false thought, it's effective propaganda. As Rolling Stone wrote last month:

To our ears, fighting for “truth, justice, and the American Way” may sound like old-fashioned patriotism. But in the 1940s, it was controversial.

In fact, looking back on those early days, Superman was very woke. He was known as the “Champion of the Oppressed.” At a time when Republicans opposed President Roosevelt’s liberal programs and opposed entering World War II, Superman supported — in comic books and on a wildly successful radio program — the New Deal, open immigration, and entering the war against Hitler. Some episodes of the radio show lampooned the KKK.

Indeed, in 1940, Nazi propaganda accused Superman of being a Jewish conspiracy to poison the minds of American youth.

Of course, after Pearl Harbor, American sentiment changed, and Superman became a national hero, not only fighting Nazis in the comic books but with his image emblazoned on tanks and planes. At first, however, he was a progressive — even a radical.

And of course, Superman was also an immigrant. As Schwartz puts it in his book, “he is the ethnic guy with the Hebraic name Kal-El who came to America, changed his mannerisms and appearance. He tucks his tallit [Jewish prayer shawl, but Schwartz means Superman’s costume] down into his suit, and he goes around the world like a gentile. So it’s sort of like the ultimate assimilation/assertion fantasy, the ability to decide which part of you should interact with society at any given moment. What is more American than being an ethnic immigrant, and bringing the gifts and uniqueness of your cultural heritage to the greater benefit of the American society?”

If you think I describe this as a "false thought" or even a "wrong idea" you misunderstand what I am saying. It's highly effective propaganda. In this case, we know the ulterior motives and the cryptic meaning behind the myths because they are openly admitted to, as in the case of Captain America. But even if they weren't openly admitted to, they could be analyzed in the same way every other body of myth or art is analyzed for esoteric symbolic meaning. The case of Superman is pretty overt, we could conclude this even if it weren't openly celebrated by Rolling Stone magazine. You seem to be pretending that with all myth and art we can work to understand the motivation of the artist, but this content produced by Jews is just completely inscrutable? It isn't, it just takes a little bravery to call out a pattern that is very, very clear.

As in, for example, the Frankfurt school they were open about the academic focus of their work being to find a psycotherapy for the Authoritarian Personality to stop anti-Semitism and another Holocaust. In the easiest cases which are well documented, we don't have to guess at the motivations as they are openly admitted to by the influencers. Madison Grant commented on Jews blocking research into race science as early as the 1910s.

You don't need a "just-so" story, you just need to believe them when they describe the motives and meaning of what they are creating!

Can you at least accept Superman as an example of the phenomenon I am describing, even if you want to continue to argue that this hasn't been a widespread practice in the Culture Industry for the past century?

The issue is the strength of the phenomenom. Of course artists put their personal experiences, often their political beliefs, in their work. That doesn’t mean the resulting public opinion is corrupted, and you can just pick 'which truth' you want to follow. A superman comic can’t convince me to jump off a bridge, and it can’t convince americans to go to war with hitler (I can’t believe I’m writing sentences as silly as this).

Or take you, for instance. You have probably consumed copious amounts of pro-white anime or something, where we don't have to guess the motives and meaning of creators either. Does that mean your pro-white views are corrupted bullshit? I would think there is more behind them than you happening to catch conan the barbarian on the tv one night.