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Small-Scale Question Sunday for July 9, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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What is your top baby/kid advice? We are in the third trimester with our first. Revolutionary must have gadget, let them cry it out, co-sleep don't co-sleep, have a closet lined with mirrors to lock them in?

CS is better than VB if the baby is in a weird position.

Co-sleeping really worked for my wife. We pushed the crib next to our bed and removed the front grate. This way she could breastfeed the baby almost without waking up.

There's a really annoying stage around, uh, five months or so (it's been so long ago I don't remember the month) when the kid is old enough to get bored and frustrated and not old enough to entertain themselves. This is probably the most frustrating part of the first year, as for a month or two the baby will demand lots of attention. Before that it's mostly eat-sleep-poop with a little bit of playtime, and after that you can blow their mind with kitchenware.

We had a breach baby and they did an ECV to flip them around, so that we could do a vaginal birth. Basically a doctor pushes on the belly in certain ways to get the baby head-down. Worked for us! Though I hear a lot of doctors won’t do it because there are risks.

I think the most annoying stage so far is the one where they can walk with a hand but not otherwise. They then want to walk all the time, so you’re stuck in a hunched over position to keep them happy.

I think the most annoying stage so far is the one where they can walk with a hand but not otherwise. They then want to walk all the time, so you’re stuck in a hunched over position to keep them happy.

Haha, we've skipped this part, but I remember when I had to take a day off and rush to our dacha because our son had discovered stairs and wanted to go up and down them for hours. My wife was sick and couldn't hold his hand, and my MIL was getting dizzy after walking up and down the stairs too much.