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Friday Fun Thread for September 1, 2023

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I have despised the term one-itis since I first saw it used some ten or more years ago. I don't hate it less now. You use the term regularly in your posts, referring presumably to the same woman each time. I think sloughing this off is something you need to seriously consider doing. Not the term. The feeling, the tacit acceptance of it as an unavoidable part of your character, your life, your affection. Alternately, if you are intent on embracing this woman as your one-and-only, distance yourself from it so that there is no such thing as a fuckup, there is just life, with her in it however she is in it, without some ulterior motive on your part to get in her pants--and where your failure at this results in some existential crisis. Nothing but madness lies that way. Be true to your username. You'll find a certain weight is lifted.

I think sloughing this off is something you need to seriously consider doing

Totally, my main priority is fixing my life, being a good programmer, and making money and my lack of skills plus being in my town makes me hate meeting good women, I am certain that I will move out soon in a year or less to a metropolis and meet better women but until then my brain refuses to change. I need to fix my skill deficit and move out, I will get over her.

I detailed the entire saga on themotte subreddit and it was painful, I wish to get over her soon. I want nothing to do with her, I wish her well but I want out of this misery, need to sleep with hotties frequently but that is a few months away.

I know this is supposed to be a "fun thread* so I won't sully the well, but you don't need, with me at least, to use terms like "better women" or "hotties." You seem to be pushing (flogging) yourself forward and perhaps that will build your confidence.

fair enough, also I am surprised that the term oneitis was around 10 years ago.

Also I do agree with your broad sentiment, apologies if I made the post too serious.

I first saw the term in Neil Strauss's The Game (2011) which arguably popularized the idea of being a PUA, though apparently it predates even that.

Edit ' wrong date