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Small-Scale Question Sunday for September 17, 2023

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

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What limitations would I be looking at with C# Godot?

How does Godot compare to Stride, overall?

Godot C# is half proper .NET Core 6 (desktop games) and half Mono (mobile and web), which means you have to use the older version of Godot for those platforms.

Godot has a much better momentum at the moment and a bigger community. Stride (aka Xenko, aka Paradox) was initially developed by a much better dedicated team, but went through several iterations of funding, licensing and trademark issues and lost a lot of steam in the process.

Godot C# is half proper .NET Core 6 (desktop games) and half Mono (mobile and web), which means you have to use the older version of Godot for those platforms.

So as long as I'm just targeting Desktop, it's C# without downsides? Sounds like a decent deal to me.

Thanks for the explanations; I guess Godot it will be. Not even necessarily using C#, but I'll see.

Godot's Gscript is pretty well documented and easy to learn. You'll probably find it preferable as it's what most of the community uses. Also Godot is incredibly lightweight and older machine friendly, so you'll probably find it a very good fit.

Power and Performance are more important to me than ease of use (cue someone joking that I should be writing C instead); is GDS on par with C# or C++ in those two aspects?

I think that all of Godot is ultimately interpreted whether you're using C# or Gscript. So if the thing that I think is correct, then yes. But I'm not certain what's going on under the hood.