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A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

4 followers   follows 4 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


A tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.

4 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

Do you actually need to clean your ears?

I feel a bit like with the recent discussion about pubic shaving. Yeah, sure, you can do that if you like...but is it actually worth the bother?

Man, Golfing actually looks comfy. I always thought it was stuffy and pretentious and frankly more than a little silly as far as sports go, but looking at this video all that I see is people having some calm fun outdoors in nice weather and nice (though articifial) landscape. Not that I'm about to start golfing, but I hereby withdraw my unjustified dislike for it.

And then it's not politics, it's basic decency, and if you can't understand that then you are the problem.

I apologize for this heat-post.

Well, I for one didn't know (and still don't, since nobody's spoonfeeding)...but then again, I can live with not getting all the implications about US insider baseball.

The council of humorless Germans approves of this post.

Seems to have worked! AFAIK nobody tried to kill him at the time.

Wild speculation on my part - might this also be a strategy of deterrence, providing an heir who is strictly not a friend of Trump's enemies, so as to disincentivice further assassination attempts? Along the lines of "if we kill him, the next-in-line is even worse!".

I see the same pattern regularly.

  • Not eating X will help.
  • Eating Y in addition to normal meals will help.
  • Eating organic food will help.
  • "This doesn't count."
  • "Actually the household chores I do are all the exercise I need."
  • "No I didn't gobble up half the contents of the fridge in the middle of the night, no idea why it's all gone.".
  • "I only eat 2000 calories a day and even just 800 twice a week, that's why I'm a skinny 350 pounds and my belly sags to the ground when I sit down."

I repeat myself, but yes, seeing BLM in a German context was baffling indeed. We didn't ship them here as slaves, they came on their own!

We can be pretty sure that there were many plainclothes government agents and informants in the crowd, encouraging others to break the law.


This is true. I was going to give advice based on my experience, but I have indeed worked only at very dysfunctional places, so I suppose the better advice would be "try to determine whether the company you work for actually functions reasonably well, and if not, go work somewhere else.".

Purely going off of the China example, it seems to me that one can see the problem as people being incentivized to study more than is needed to establish a hierarchy, which is a waste of time and effort best cut short by limiting the time spent studying, or as the entire structure of the thing being perverse because it requires studying unnecessary material that could be ignored at no cost if the exams didn't establish hierarchy based on the ability to study useless information.

I ramble, but I do think there are multiple angles of attack one could take there, and banning cram schools is just the easiest one, rather than necessarily the best.

Good luck.

How are you holding up morally/emotionally? Are you alright with kicking out your friend (or "friend", depending on how you see that by now and what friendship means to you)?

Agreed. Besides, it's unhealthy for the feet to be shod all day long.

Yeah, agreed on this as well. If it's not meant to be used, it shouldn't be a feature. I mean, I hope that our code mechanics have enough control over the whole thing to be able to disable things that explicitely aren't meant to be used.

Beats me. I never block, and I tentatively opine that blocking shouldn't even be a feature on the Motte.

Fat people.

Not even once.

Yea, the Federal Minister of Defense has made a proposal to that point, but I wouldn't count on it going anywhere. I's the kind of thing that gets shot down regularly.

So far there have been no tangible, substantial changes that I am aware of. 100 billion € were provided to the military as a special fund, but I'm not aware of anything that would have come of it. Given our MoD's reputation for rampant grift and wastefulness, money alone will probably not fix anything.

Germany's military in particular was just in a disastrous state before the war that it would have been more of a liability than an asset.

Has this changed?

Just doing my ethnic duty.

It's never absolutely too late, but the earlier the relatively better.



I'm failing to muster enough motivation to go and vote.

Edit: Went after all.

Conservative papers like Welt tend to go easy on the culture war. Not sure whether it's to avoid alienating moderate readers, to uphold standards of objective journalism, or because "one crow won't peck out another's eyes", as we say - journalists probably want to avoid becoming non grata by taking the wrong side of history.

Openly rightist media like Junge Freiheit or Tichys Einblick may say the quiet part out loud, but have barely any readership and reach at all. So alright, I may have phrased it poorly - they do call it out, but nobody hears it.

It's publicized enough, and you get the usual political angles. Left-wing papers run an article or two that mostly revolve around the plight of the stabbed policeman, right-wing papers give us some additional details, but none really call out the story for the blatant failure it is every which way. In the great scheme of things not much is made of it; the largely left-leaning media won't run an outrage campaign on this like they do for violence against "minorities", for obvious reasons, and there's not much else that's done at all about such incidents anymore.

Also, the story doesn't get buried so much as drowned. Southern Germany has been experiencing a lot of rainfall, and there's a lot of country under water right now. This dominates the news and largely crowds out other news.