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Israel-Gaza Megathread #2

This is a refreshed megathread for any posts on the conflict between (so far, and so far as I know) Hamas and the Israeli government, as well as related geopolitics. Culture War thread rules apply.

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Then why did the media uncritically parrot that 500+, and in some cases 800+, people die in the explosion?

Because that is dramatic. The best description of the issue is not that the media is dominated by Jewish interests, or dominated by Palestinian interests, but that there are multiple competing interest blocs of different strengths. Some are pro-Israeli, some are pro-Palestine, some are pro-getting clicks/views, some are pro truth and so on.

Depending on the intersection of these interests at different times (and depending on what competitors do) then you get different outcomes. If your competitors put out breathless articles about 800 dead in a hospital, then you either follow suit or you lose the race for eyeballs. To get an accurate headline you are going to have to wait some time. So your initial headline will be "Something bad happened but it is unclear exactly what or by exactly who or exactly how bad (and maybe it didn't happen at all)" Which compared to "Israelis MURDER 800 INNOCENT Muslims" is just boring.

Similar to how the beheaded babies story spread swiftly before it could be verified one way or the other.

Much as we get the politicians we deserve, we also get the media we deserve.