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Culture War Roundup for the week of November 13, 2023

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First, it was shoe0nhead. I stopped paying attention to her completely after her feud with ShortFatOtaku, and then I heard about her getting involved with BreadTube (yuck) through Sargon of Akkad, and now she's... making really based tweets about current events that keep finding their way to me? I asked what happened, and people say she's not a socialist anymore and has a trad right boyfriend. I'd love to know how that last shift happened, because I've never seen someone go that far left and then pull back.

Hold on. Even when she was involved with BreadTube, she didn't really go pro-woke (she toned down her criticism for a while, and then went "aah, fuck it"). She still is socialist as far as I can tell, and anyone claiming that her trad-right husband moved her away from it, doesn't know what they're talking about, because the dude is one of those Catholic economic-left types. You could nationalize all the Fortune 500 companies, and he'd shrug or maybe quibble about some technical details.

Basically, socialist/communist and social progressive are separate axes, even if the right tends to hate them both and thus views them as largely confounded.

So she's not doing streams with Vaush anymore? Is she part of any specific YouTube niche now?

I don't watch Vaush, so I don't know, but if he couldn't hold on to his BFF relationship with Destiny, I doubt he could handle Shoe.

Is she part of any specific YouTube niche now?

I think she kind of hangs out with anyone. She made a few haha-only-serious jokes about the key to her survival in Cancel Culture being having a fanbase consisting of 3-4 ideologically opposed groups that hate each other, so I think she deliberately avoid falling into a neiche.

How are you guys aware of any of this? I googled and it appears you're talking about literal teenage girls. 'shoeonhead' is literally a teenage girl who looks like a titty streamer. 'Destiny' is literally a fat beardo gamer kid. Is this really the forefront of public discourse now? If so, is there anything left to save? Nick Land was right.

How are you guys aware of any of this?

I watch her videos and read her tweets, they're funny. I'll go so far as to say she's a better comedic writer than any hack hired at SNL, John Oliver's, Steven Colbert's, and the rest of the John Stuart Industrial Complex.

'shoeonhead' is literally a teenage girl who looks like a titty streamer.

We apperantly now have literally teenage 32 year old women. As far as I can tell, she never used her body, in the way you describe, to get attention on the internet.

'Destiny' is literally a fat beardo gamer kid

That one admittedly is a guilty pleasure, and I only check him out when he gets into some big drama with someone.

Is this really the forefront of public discourse now?

No. I have no idea how you even came to the come conclusion that this is anywhere close to what I believe.

Ah ha, this is my take. I expect to not know about stuff on the internet, but as you say, is this the level large sections of the online world are involved with? It sounds like celebrity gossip and petty rivalries of the most lurid reality tv type serial.

If there is lineage, as someone suggested, from 4chan, then this would explain a lot. Nothing good can grow from nihilism. Is internet just no good for popular communities to develop that actually lead to meaning-making as opposed to cynical audience appeal (and subsequent audience capture).

Is larping, hot-takes and terminally online self-referencing not wearing itself out by now?

They're one of the more popular youtubers/streamers that focuses on political content. If you only read news/articles you probably don't encounter these people, but they're prevalent on youtube/twitch/tiktok. Watch a few political videos and they start showing up on your recommended page. It's where a lot of young people get their political opinions and news from nowadays, since they aren't watching television news channels as much.

The Israel/Hamas conflict has actually been getting Destiny a ton of traction since he has a middle of the road take, and a lot of the political left-leaning streamers have a pro-Hamas take, so there's tons of videos/clips of arguments around the Israel/Hamas situation. Honestly not worth your time for anything but entertainment since it's incredible just how poorly informed and horrible some of their takes are. You can ignore them and not miss much, but it is a bit worrying that many people are getting their political opinions from people that are in no way qualified to be speaking about these kinds of situations.

...but it is a bit worrying that many people are getting their political opinions from people that are in no way qualified to be speaking about these kinds of situations.

As opposed to what, the infallibly virtuous philosopher kings who ran the media in previous generations? At least these people aren't pontificating from atop a heap of fraudulently-acquired positive affect.

At least there used to be some sort of journalistic standard, and it was a major scandal when major news publications pushed outright lies. Opinion pieces were always a thing, but normally major news stories would at least have sources and there was an attempt to at least present the facts, even if it's in a dishonest manner.

You could argue these streamers also "pontificate from atop a heap of fraudulently-acquired positive effect" since you know, a lot of them create echo chambers by banning all dissidents, they tend to only promote other people that agree with them politically, and they present themselves as experts and speak in an authoritative manner on subjects they know nothing about. Having nuance actually outcasts you from the community. Destiny is a great example of someone who because he is willing to show some nuance on the Israel/Palestine situation gets shit on by a lot of far-left leaning political streamers.

You seem to be saying that these political streamers are superior sources of news than traditional mainstream media. There may be some standouts, but you can't seriously be telling me someone like Hasan Piker is a better source of news and a role model for political opinions than the mainstream news media.

At least there used to be some sort of journalistic standard,

If you have to compare her to someone, it should be comedic political commentary shows like the Daily Show. If you think they spell our doom as well, fair enough, but the "journalistic standard" died decades ago.

You seem to be saying that these political streamers are superior sources of news than traditional mainstream media.

Yeah, but it's damning with faintt praise.

At least there used to be some sort of journalistic standard

I think I understand what you mean by a "journalistic standard", but it seems to me that this standard does nothing to prevent deceit on the part of journalists, and only exists to insulate them from the necessary consequences of that deceit. It does not impede them from routinely deceiving their audience, but only codifies a method to enact that deceit with perfect legal and social cover. It seems to me that such standards are actively harmful to the public at large; we would be better with no standards at all, and a concomitant increase in public skepticism.

...and it was a major scandal when major news publications pushed outright lies.

To me, the term "major scandal" means an incident that causes or at least threatens severe consequences for the people involved. I can think of lots of times when the media has been caught pushing outright lies, many of them resulting in dire real-world consequences. I can't think of a single time when this evident malfeasance resulted or even plausibly threatened severe consequences for even a single media organization, or even an individual journalist. It seems to me that a "major scandal" for the media means that they may have to publish a news story about how they've totally fixed the problem and it can't possibly happen again, they swear, and even this level of consequence is a rarity compared to the base rate of naked deception.

There may be some standouts, but you can't seriously be telling me someone like Hasan Piker is a better source of news and a role model for political opinions than the mainstream news media.

The fact that you possess this attitude toward Hasan Piker is exactly why I would prefer people generally to get their information from Hasan Piker and others like him. Your assessment of his credibility seems reasonably correlated to his actual credibility, so it seems unlikely that he could successfully lie to you, and very unlikely that he could do so in a highly consequential way. Even his most diehard fans are not going to presume that his credibility, impartiality and correctness are common knowledge society-wide. He does not have the power of "sure it's true, I saw it on TV".

Legacy media, by contrast, have also created echo chambers by banning all dissidents, only promote people who agree with them politically, and present themselves as experts on subjects they know nothing about, and routinely eschew the very concept of nuance and balance. In addition, they are deeply integrated into our centers of social and political power, and they secretly coordinate their reporting to maximize partisan control over and political advantage within those centers. Their record of mendacity is appalling, as are the accumulated consequences of their lies. Piker is, at worst, an amateur liar. Journalists are professional liars, working in an industry optimized from the ground up to produce precision falsehood on an industrial scale.

The above would be bad enough, but most people assume whatever they say is true, with the result that they have a considerable degree of control over the conversations it's possible to have, even among those who know they are not trustworthy. The New York Times really does set the nation's agenda, even for those of us entirely aware that they're fundamentally, murderously untrustworthy. That is what a "heap of fraudulently-acquired positive affect" looks like. By comparison, the Hasan Pikers of new media are working off old pennies they found in the couch cushions.

If you measure "honesty" in Lawyer-speak, journalists are reasonably honest. If you measure "honesty" by the variance between the plain facts of a matter and the impression the author intentionally conveys to the reader, Journalists are one of the most dishonest groups of people living.

It seems to me that such standards are actively harmful to the public at large; we would be better with no standards at all, and a concomitant increase in public skepticism.

Public trust in news media is at an all-time low, this recent poll Gallup shows only 7% of Americans have a great deal of trust in the media, and 27% have a fair amount of trust in the media. The public is as skeptical as it has ever been.

I'm not sure I agree with your point that having standards is harmful, much of the legacy media isn't following journalistic standards. It's the appearance of having standards but not following them that's harmful, not the existence of standards itself. It would be one thing if you were to argue specifics examples of standard are harmful, but to dismiss the entire notion of standards doesn't seem like the right solution either. You need some framework to make a judgment, and the legacy media's failure to meet journalistic standards is how you know they aren't doing a great job.

I can't think of a single time when this evident malfeasance resulted or even plausibly threatened severe consequences for even a single media organization, or even an individual journalist.

Many of these news organizations are unable to generate enough revenue and I say a large part of that is due to the increase in public distrust of news media. Many smaller ones have gone bankrupt, some examples: Gawker, Vice, Buzzfeed, Jezebel. Brian Stelter was basically fired from CNN cause his show couldn't attract viewers, and I'd say it's in large part due to his peddling of lies and disinformation. Lawsuits are a thing, plenty of examples of lawsuits you can find, even settlements and lawyers eat up money, and when your organization is struggling to make a profit you don't want to be spending money on lawsuits. It might not be to the degree you want them punished, but it's not like it doesn't happen either.

even this level of consequence is a rarity compared to the base rate of naked deception.

What percentage of stories from news media would you say are outright lies are bullshit? I'm not denying there isn't any propaganda, but I'd say 95% of the news is still factually accurate. You just don't remember those because those are mostly boring presentations of facts so there really isn't anything that can be a scissor statement.

The people who have the most trust in the media are old people, well they're getting older and will eventually no longer be here. So I'm more concerned about where the newer generations are getting their information from. They're getting it from social media and streaming services. Nearly 50% get it from social media daily and 48% never even look at cable or network news. You'll be hard-pressed to find a Gen Z kid who has full faith in legacy media, but many of Hasan Piker's viewers believe 100% what he says. So these people actually would be better off getting their news from legacy media because they'll be viewing it with skepticism.

Even his most diehard fans are not going to presume that his credibility, impartiality and correctness are common knowledge society-wide. He does not have the power of "sure it's true, I saw it on TV".

His viewers don't need to qualify the information they got with "I heard this from Hasan", they'll just repeat his talking points as straight-up facts. If you question where they got that information from they'll just respond "educate yourself" and not even bother engaging in conversation. Where did they learn these tactics? From Hasan Piker and other political streamers. Hasan may not have any influence over the people who'll use that line, but he has a massive influence over younger people. And there are people peddling extremist, radical far left and right viewpoints online. I'd argue this is more dangerous than the agenda the legacy media pushes through.

By the way, it's not like the only options for news and politics are political streamers or legacy media. I didn't say people should only get their information from the legacy media, but if it was between getting news only from The New York Times or Hasan Piker, I'd pick The New York Times 100% of the time. And if it isn't clear, I'm not a fan of legacy media either.

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I really like your point about journalistic standards. Did you come up with it or did some blogger? If it’s the latter let me know so I can follow them.

To add to your critique of the good old days of journalistic standards I’d like to point out that journalism wasn’t necessarily better (although there may have been more high-effort investigative work, I don’t know) so much as it was centralized to the point that heterodoxy was mostly invisible. It’s a common view that journalism was less political and more truth-seeking but I think this is mostly the result of the media being so powerful as to create the political water that discourse took place in. If you read Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent you can see many of the same criticisms that heterodoxers such as frequent this site make today. The journalistic standard of honesty can be stretched very far with some motivated pilpul. Maybe in the 19th century it was different.

Chomsky mentions centralization as one of the main causes of the state of affairs he critiques, and I have to agree. It doesn’t seem that news organizations are capable of being apolitical, in that case why not favor a decentralized media ecosystem wherein no organization has the power to shape the discourse?

The main argument against it I can see is the danger of ignorant plebs being manipulated by demagogues, which might have merit but cedes that capital J Journalism exists to manufacture consent.

The internet might give us the cure to Gell-Mann amnesia. I’m not sure it will actually be better but like many disaffected very-online people I dislike the current roster of media institutions and am happy to see them fail.

'shoeonhead' is literally a teenage girl who looks like a titty streamer.

Pretty sure she's in her 30s.

Is this really the forefront of public discourse now? If so, is there anything left to save?

We have not yet begun to defile ourselves.